doc. Ing. Kamil Dedecius, Ph.D.


JIPDA Filtering with Information Diffusion

Dedecius, K.; Novák, J.; Jechumtál, P.
Proceedings of 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2024). New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024. p. 2477-2481. ISSN 2219-5491. ISBN 979-8-3315-1977-3.
Proceedings paper
The paper introduces a novel collaborative method for multi-target tracking in cluttered environments. Based on the information diffusion framework, the proposed approach involves agents sharing observations and/or posterior estimates with neighboring agents within one hop distance. No intermediate iterations are employed to achieve global agreement, as in consensus algorithms, nor is there a single point of failure, as in algorithms with a fusion center. The tracking method is based on the joint integrated probabilistic data association (JIPDA) filter, which is adapted to accurately incorporate neighbors' observations and optimally fuse available estimates. The ultimate goal is to improve the tracking performance by overcoming the intrinsic uncertainty of target-measurement association and object detection. The method is computationally cheap and does not require any numerical optimization. Simulation results clearly demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.

Sequential Poisson Regression in Diffusion Networks

Dedecius, K.; Žemlička, R.
IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS. 2020, 27 625-629. ISSN 1070-9908.
The Poisson regression is a popular model for positive integer random variables determined by known explanatory variables. This letter studies the problem of its collaborative Bayesian sequential estimation under potentially slowly time-varying regression coefficients. We assume networks where agents share their information about the inferred quantities with adjacent neighbors in order to improve the overall estimation performance. The communication strategy is the information diffusion, i.e., only one information exchange per time instant is allowed.