RR1: Real Robot One

  • Robotic engineering project, prof. RNDr. Pavel Surynek, Ph.D. 

RR1 is a desktop robotic arm with 6 joints/axes and an end gripper created mainly by 3D printing. The RR1 is powered by 7 stepper motors (6 for the axes and one for the gripper) coupled with planetary gearboxes of our own design assembled from 3D-printed mechanical parts. The RR1 matches industrial robotic arms in terms of dexterity and movement capabilities but is much smaller and safer, making the RR1 an affordable tool for motion planning research in a small laboratory environment. Low-level control of the robot is carried out by Arduino Due; any more advanced functionalities requiring artificial intelligence are provided through a connected computer. 

The person responsible for the content of this page: doc. Ing. Štěpán Starosta, Ph.D.