Work with us

The Image Processing Laboratory (ImproLab) was set up following an increasing demand on the part of industry for solutions to real problems using machine vision.

Focus of the laboratory

In addition to teaching, the laboratory focuses mainly on two areas of machine vision and image processing, namely on visual quality control in industrial production and detection of persons and their surveillance in closed spaces.


We have made applications for checks of surface defects of insulation panels and glass boards. We are able to create applications in the field of camera detection of objects for robot guidance or measuring of products’ dimensions and irregularities.

By a one-off measurement that takes a few days or weeks, we are able to survey an area where people (or other objects) are moving, and using so-called heat maps visualize parts of rooms according to the probability of occurrence of people in time. This kind of data is useful for determining the occupancy of space or predicting possible collisions between objects.

What we can do

The laboratory has a wide range of different camera, optical and lighting equipment. It is therefore suitable for quick studies or feasibility tests of a given solution. It is also ideal for the creation of specific solutions for projects in the field of machine vision that are not currently available commercially.
Last but not least, the laboratory has knowledge, experience and equipment for the use of drones and related equipment. We have a DJI M600 drone with the D-RTK set for centimetre-accurate positioning and referencing of images. The drone can be fitted either with a high-resolution reflex camera for scanning high-quality 3D models, or a thermal camera for industrial inspections and human detection. The laboratory also has other drones and kits for testing of apps developed in the laboratory.

There are several ways to cooperate

  1. A master agreement with the Faculty of Information Technology
    •  Permits the use of the laboratory’s human resources for joint testing in the form of studies.
    • Allows the presentation of the company at PR events organized by the faculty, or to give lectures in subjects taught by the laboratory.
  2. A particular joint project in various forms
    • Various forms mean grant programmes (Innovation vouchers, TAČR, GAČR, etc.).
    • Under this arrangement, the laboratory provides its expertise and the company supplies the problem.
    • The project can be in different stages of research – feasibility study, PoC (proof of concept), industrial solution.
  3. Contractor-client relationship
    • The laboratory can do so-called contractual research, i.e. it is able to provide solution and get paid for it.
  4. Knowledge training
    • The laboratory can provide individual training sessions on machine learning and data processing for schools, institutions and companies, based on demand.

Contact person

Ing. Mikuláš Čižmár

The person responsible for the content of this page: doc. Ing. Štěpán Starosta, Ph.D.