doc. Ing. Pavel Hrabák, Ph.D.

Vedoucí Katedry aplikované matematiky


Evacuation from Cramped Interiors with Aisle Seats: Uncertainty Induced by the Random Choice of Initial Positions

Kmec, J.; Hrabák, P.; Najmanová, H.; Vašata, D.
Collective Dynamics. 2024, 9 ISSN 2366-8539.
Considering evacuation from cramped interiors with aisle seats, the initial seating positions of pedestrians represent a non-negligible source of variance in total evacuation time. By means of Pathfinder simulations, this uncertainty is quantitatively investigated for a train and lecture hall geometry with homogeneous and heterogeneous groups of agents. Furthermore, an energy-inspired description of the occupation configuration is introduced that enables a proper numerical representation of the configuration space of the initial seating positions.

Heterogeneity of Agents in Cellular Evacuation Model Explains the Decreasing Bottleneck Flow

Hrabák, P.; Šutý, M.; Hotlib, M.
Collective Dynamics. 2024, 9 ISSN 2366-8539.
Heterogeneous crowd consisting of pedestrians with essentially diverse abilities behaves in certain aspects differently than a homogeneous crowd consisting of "average" pedestrians. This study investigates the influence of heterogeneity in aspects connected to the ability to navigate through a crowd in front of a bottleneck. Simulations of cellular multi-agent model suggest that the heterogeneity in ability to push through the crowd (represented by aggressiveness) and willingness to bypass the crowd (represented by sensitivity to occupation) may be responsible for the bottleneck flow decreasing in time – a phenomenon observed in experiments.

Challenges In Train Evacuation Modelling Using Pathfinder

Hrabák, P.; Kmec, J.; Najmanová, H.; Vašata, D.
Proceedings of the 6th Fire and Evacuation Modeling Technical Conference. Manhattan, KS: Thunderhead Engineering, 2022.
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In comparison to buildings, public transportation vehicles including passenger trains represent specific environments typical for cramped interior layouts with narrow aisles, limited number of exits, and various operation conditions resulting in non-standard exit paths such as direct egress to the track level. Therefore, in evacuation modelling, safety analysis of passenger trains may denote a challenging task, especially when using evacuation models originally developed for simulations of evacuation processes from buildings (such as Pathfinder). In this case, several issues can be encountered: lack of validation against relevant experimental data, missing features to simulate non-standard exit path, lack of knowledge which key parameters to adjust and how. This contribution addresses these issues while performing an egress simulation analysis of a rail car of double-deck electric unit class 471 (CityElefant) using Pathfinder. The analysis was based on a full-scale controlled evacuation experiment carried out in Prague in 2018. We introduce a technique for adjusting the Pathfinder model that simulates rail car egress to match the experimental results, and we include sensitivity analysis of key parameters influencing total evacuation time (TET). From the obtained results several conclusions can be drawn: 1. Application of the SFPE curve for a speed-density relationship had a significant impact on TET due to narrow aisles and limited space available; 2. The parameters of agent diameter and squeeze factor have to be handled together (when associating the agent diameter with the width of passenger shoulders, the value of squeeze factor must be decreased); 3. While egressing to the track level, the time delay caused by the preparation and realization of the jump must be implemented adequately to different passenger abilities; The impact of seating preferences of passengers with heterogeneous moving abilities prevails the influence of maximal speed or diameter distribution on TET.

Evacuation trials from a double-deck electric train unit: Experimental data and sensitivity analysis

Najmanová, H.; Kuklík, L.; Pešková, V.; Bukáček, M.; Vašata, D.; Hrabák, P.
Safety Science. 2022, 146 ISSN 0925-7535.
Passenger trains represent a challenging environment in emergencies, with specific evacuation conditions resulting from the typical layout and interior design inherent to public transportation vehicles. This paper describes a dataset obtained in a full-scale controlled experiment emulating the emergency evacuation of a double-deck electric unit railcar carried out in Prague in 2018. 15 evacuation trials involving 91 participants were conducted under various evacuation scenarios considering different compositions of passenger crowd, exit widths, and exit types (egress to a high platform, to an open rail line using stairs, and a 750 mm jump without any supporting equipment). The study’s main goals were to collect experimental data on the movement conditions in the railcar and to study the impact of various boundary conditions on evacuation process and total evacuation time. Movement characteristics (exit flows, speeds) and human behaviour (pre-movement activities, exiting behaviours) were also analysed. The data obtained was used to validate and adjust a Pathfinder model to capture important aspects of evacuation from the railcar. Furthermore, a series of simulations using this model was performed to provide sensitivity analysis of the influence of crowd composition, exit width, and exit type on total evacuation time. As a key finding, we can conclude that for the case of a standard exit path (platform or stairs) the width of the main exit had the greatest impact on total evacuation time, however, crowd composition played the prevailing role in evacuation scenarios involving a jump.

Spatially Dependent Friction—A Way of Adjusting Bottleneck Flow in Cellular Models

Hrabák, P.; Gašpar, F.
Traffic and Granular Flow 2019. Cham: Springer, 2020. p. 103-109. Springer Proceedings in Physics. vol. 252. ISSN 0930-8989. ISBN 978-3-030-55972-4.
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The spatially dependent friction is introduced into cellular floor-field model of pedestrian flow as a possible way of proper adjustment of flow through individual bottlenecks/exits in a rather complex structure containing multiple consecutive bottlenecks of different width. Next to the bulk friction, which is responsible for the conflict-induced delay while walking within the crowd, the local friction is defined individually for each exit-like bottleneck, and is responsible for the clogging in front of the exit. The local friction enables to adjust the flow through given bottleneck according to the observed or estimated value without necessity to change the global parameters. Such method enables to model flow through bottlenecks of similar but different width within one simulation scenario.

Time-headway distribution for random-sequential-update TASEP with periodic and open boundaries

Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. 2020, 7(1), 30-41. ISSN 2095-7564.
The temporal-headway distribution for Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) with random-sequential update is investigated. Considering the stationary/steady state of the process, exact formula for the step-headway distribution is derived for conditions when the stationary measure is Bernoulli, i.e., for periodic boundaries and for open boundaries with entering boundary rate alpha and leaving boundary rate beta satisfying alpha + beta = 1. The step-headway formula for general values of boundary rates is calculated numerically by means of the matrix product ansatz.

Exact Formula of Time-Headway Distribution for TASEP with Random-Sequential Update

Traffic and Granular Flow '17. Basel: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019. p. 3-10. ISBN 978-3-030-11439-8.
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The analytical derivation of time-headway distribution for random-sequential totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) with periodic boundaries is presented. The finite and periodic nature of the lattice together with the lattice-size-dependent hopping probability related to the random-sequential update does not allow to use common method for the derivation of the time-headway distribution. Another method is presented in this article. The exact derivation of the time-headway distribution leads to several interesting combinatorial tasks. Further, after proper time scaling and using the large L limit we obtain the approximation of the distribution, which can be considered as exact result for TASEP with continuous time.

Pedestrian Flow through Complex Infrastructure, Experiments and Mass-Transport Processes

Hrabák, P.; Bukáček, M.; Kielar, P.M.; Borrmann, A.
Traffic and Granular Flow '17. Basel: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019. p. 159-166. ISBN 978-3-030-11439-8.
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Simple mass-transport model is used to describe the phenomenon of decreasing bottleneck flow during egress of pedestrians through complex infrastructure. The considered mass transport model combines the macroscopic hydrodynamics approach with concept of queuing processes (thus belongs to the class of hand-calculation models). The realisation of such process can be described by means of temporal evolution of the flow through individual bottlenecks and number of pedestrians in front of given bottleneck. These two state variables are used to compare the model prediction with experimental data from two original experiments. The commonly used approach of constant width-related bottleneck capacity cannot capture the observed decrease of flow caused by the loss of motivation while the room is getting empty. Therefore, the dynamical part of the bottleneck capacity derived from the slope of the temporal evolution of the crowd size has been introduced, in order to capture the phenomenon.

Using Raspberry Pi for Measuring Pedestrian Visiting Patterns via WiFi-Signals in Uncontrolled Field Studies

Kielar, P.M.; Hrabák, P.; Bukáček, M.; Borrmann, A.
Traffic and Granular Flow '17. Basel: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019. p. 245-253. ISBN 978-3-030-11439-8.
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The research on pedestrian behavior includes empirical field studies and the methods for data acquisition are versatile. However, a low-budget approach that can be applied to measure pedestrian destination choice in large-scale uncontrolled field studies is still needed. The measurement of destination choice patterns is important for validating strategic models, which explain how pedestrians visit locations to perform activities.We propose a Raspberry Pi approach for WiFi-based measurements without using existing WiFi-infrastructures. The proposed method is useful for recording the microscopic dynamics and macroscopic crowd dynamics of largescale uncontrolled field studies, e.g. public events. Furthermore, we provide concept for strategic model validation that is based on the measured WiFi-signal data.

TASEP with generalized update and Matrix Product Ansatz

SPMS 2018 - Stochastic and Physical Monitoring Systems, Proceedings of the international conference. Praha: CTU. Czech Technical University Publishing House, 2018. p. 35-42. ISBN 978-80-01-06501-3.
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The steady-state distribution of Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) model has been studied by means of Matrix Product Ansatz (MPA) for variety of updates: random-sequential, parallel, backward-sequential. However, the newly developed generalized update has been studied very poorly. The contribution summarizes the method of MPA and defines the equations following from the MPA concept. Two different solutions of the matrix algebra are presented: by Hrabak and Krbalek (2014) from unpublished dissertation, and Aneva and Brankov (2016). Both concepts are compared and (dis)advantages and limitations discussed.

Mass Transport Processes and Bottleneck Flow

Hrabák, P.; Bukáček, M.
SPMS 2017 - Stochastic and Physical Monitoring Systems, Proceedings of the international conference. Praha: CTU. Czech Technical University Publishing House, 2017. p. 37-40. ISBN 978-80-01-06338-5.
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This extended abstract summarises the most important results already presented at EG-ICE 2016 and TGF 2017, see references below. Main focus is given to the application of mass transport processes in pedestrian flow modelling with stress to the bottleneck flow, where jamming and clogging occurs. A simple mass transport process is used to simulate the evolution of the occupancy in small network of rooms during egress process. The model is then compared to experimental data. It is stated that the door width and gradient of the occupancy play the main role.