Ing. Vojtěch Miškovský, Ph.D.

Předseda Akademického senátu


Impact of Compiler Optimization Flags on Side-Channel Information Leakage of SipHash algorithm

Olekšák, M.; Miškovský, V.
Proceedings of the 2024 27th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2024. p. 51-56. ISSN 2771-2508. ISBN 979-8-3503-8038-5.
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This work presents an experimental evaluation of influence of compiler optimization flags on side-channel information leakage. SipHash was used as a reference algorithm an ARX-based pseudorandom function optimized for short inputs. ChipWhisperer CW308 with various targets was used for the evaluation using guessing entropy of CPA and Welch's t-test. The main contribution of this paper is analysis of impact of each flag and its suitability for implementations minimizing side-channel leakage.

Is ASCON the best choice regarding the Side-channel Analysis?

Olekšák, M.; Miškovský, V.
Proceedings of 2023 12th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). Piscataway: IEEE, 2023. p. 173-177. ISSN 2637-9511. ISBN 979-8-3503-2291-0.
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The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) started challenge for the new standard of lightweight encryption to meet the requirements of IoT devices. One of the requirements for the upcoming standard was resistance against side-channel attacks. This year, they chose ASCON as the winner from the final ten. In this work, we present an overview of each finalist and how ASCON stands against the other finalists regarding side-channel attacks resistance in the research to date.

A Comprehensive Survey on the Non-Invasive Passive Side-Channel Analysis

Sensors. 2022, 22(21), ISSN 1424-8220.
Side-channel analysis has become a widely recognized threat to the security of cryptographic implementations. Different side-channel attacks, as well as countermeasures, have been proposed in the literature. Such attacks pose a severe threat to both hardware and software cryptographic implementations, especially in the IoT environment where the attacker may easily gain physical access to a device, leaving it vulnerable to tampering. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey regarding the non-invasive passive side-channel analysis. We describe both non-profiled and profiled attacks, related security metrics, countermeasures against such attacks, and leakage-assessment methodologies, as available in the literature of more than twenty years of research.

A fair experimental evaluation of distance correlation side-channel distinguisher

Proceedings of the 11th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2022). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2022. p. 110-113. ISSN 2377-5475. ISBN 978-1-6654-6828-2.
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Side-channel attacks pose a severe threat to crypto graphic implementations, allowing the attacker to recover secret information based on physical observations of the cryptographic device. Correlation Power Analysis is considered to be one of the most powerful attacks in the non-profiled scenario. In this paper, we consider the distance/Brownian correlation instead of the traditionally used Pearson coefficient. We give a fair comparison of our novel approach attacking AES on three different FPGA platforms and we discuss the distance correlation potential in the context of side-channel analysis.

Correlation Power Analysis of SipHash

Olekšák, M.; Miškovský, V.
Proceedings of the 2022 25th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS). Piscataway: IEEE, 2022. p. 84-87. ISSN 2473-2117. ISBN 978-1-6654-9431-1.
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SipHash is ARX-based pseudorandom function optimized for short inputs. It was developed as a hash table lookup function, but it is also used for MAC generation. At the time of writing, there was no side-channel attack on SipHash known to us. This work is about application of CPA attack on SipHash. Attack was performed on ChipWhisperer CW308 UFO Board with STM32F0 target. Approximately 800 power traces were needed for succesful attack. Leakage information from XOR was used to attack cipher key. The main contribution of this work is power model of binary addition including carry propagation.

High-level synthesis, cryptography, and side-channel countermeasures: A comprehensive evaluation

Microprocessors and Microsystems. 2021, 85 1-13. ISSN 0141-9331.
Side-channel attacks pose a severe threat to both software and hardware cryptographic implementations. Current literature presents various countermeasures against these kinds of attacks, based on approaches such as hiding or masking, implemented either in software, or on register-transfer level or gate level in hardware. However, emerging trends in hardware design lean towards a system-level approach, allowing for faster, less error-prone, design process, an efficient hardware/software co-design, or sophisticated validation, verification, and (co)simulation strategies. In this paper, we propose a Boolean masking scheme suitable for high-level synthesis of substitution-permutation network-based encryption. We implement both unprotected and protected PRESENT, AES/Rijndael and Serpent encryption in C language, utilizing the concept of dynamic logic reconfiguration, synthesize it for Xilinx FPGA, and we compare our results regarding time and area utilization. We evaluate the effectiveness of proposed countermeasures using both specific and non-specific t-test leakage assessment methodology. We discuss the leakage assessment results, and we identify and discuss the related limitations of the system-level approach and the high-level synthesis.

Secure and dependable: Area-efficient masked and fault-tolerant architectures

Proceedings of the 2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2021. p. 333-338. ISBN 978-1-6654-2703-6.
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Masking is a powerful instrument for protecting cryptographic devices against side-channel analysis. Multiple masking schemes were introduced providing provable security against attacks of arbitrary order even in the presence of glitches. When a device is a part of some safety-critical system, it needs to meet dependability requirements; therefore, it should be protected against spontaneously occurring faults. Existing commonly used fault-tolerance architectures involve high area overhead as so as the masking schemes do. In this paper, we propose architectures meeting dependability properties of simple modular-redundancy schemes and SCA resistance of masking schemes, but decreasing the area overhead utilizing the randomness involved in the masking schemes. We compare our Masked Duplex architecture with Triple Modular Redundancy. While using one less redundant module, our architecture saves around 20% of the area in comparison with TMR in the case of Threshold Implementation of PRESENT cipher, promising more savings for more complex cryptographic schemes

Efficient algorithmic evaluation of correlation power analysis: Key distinguisher based on the correlation trace derivative

Microprocessors and Microsystems. 2019, 2019(71), 1-8. ISSN 0141-9331.
Correlation power analysis (CPA) is one of the most common side-channel attacks today, posing a threat to many modern ciphers, including AES. In the final step of this attack, the cipher key is usually extracted by the attacker by visually examining the correlation traces for each key guess. The naïve way to extract the correct key algorithmically is selecting the key guess with the maximum Pearson correlation coefficient. We propose another key distinguisher based on a significant change in the correlation trace rather than on the absolute value of the coefficient. Our approach performs better than the standard maximization, especially in the noisy environment, and it allows to significantly reduce the number of acquired power traces necessary to successfully mount an attack in noisy environment, and in some cases make the attack even feasible.

First-Order and Higher-Order Power Analysis: Computational Approaches and Aspects

Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing - MECO'2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2019. p. 83-87. ISSN 2377-5475. ISBN 978-1-7281-1739-3.
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Side-channel analysis pose a serious threat to many modern cryptosystems. Using Correlation power analysis, attacker may be able to recover the cipher key and therefore jeopardize the whole cryptosystem, which is why many countermeasures are being developed. These countermeasures are typically effective against first-order attacks. However, protected implementations may still be vulnerable to higher-order analysis. In this paper, we compare different approaches to the higher-order analysis regarding their mathematical and performance properties. We focus on Correlation power analysis attack and the test vector leakage assesment using Welch’s t-test, we optimize and accelerate discussed algorithms using CPU and GPU, and we present our experimental results and remarks

SICAK: An open-source SIde-Channel Analysis toolKit

8th Workshop on Trustworthy Manufacturing and Utilization of Secure Devices (TRUDEVICE 2019). Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2019.
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Side-channel cryptanalysis pose a serious threat to many modern cryptographic systems. Typical scenario of a side-channel attack consists of an active phase, where data are acquired, and of an analytical phase, where the data get examined and evaluated. This work presents a software toolkit which includes support for both phases of the side-channel attack. The toolkit consists of non-interactive text-based utilities with modular plug-in architecture. The measurement utility supports different oscilloscopes, target interfaces and measurement scenarios. The evaluation utilities include support for the test vector leakage assessment and the CPA attack. Different approaches to the algorithmical evaluation of the attack are implemented in order to extract the cipher key. The visualisation utility allows for the visual examination of the attack results by the user. The toolkit aims to be multiplatform and it is written using C/C++ with performance in mind. Time-demanding operations (such as the statistical analysis) are accelerated using OpenMP and OpenCL for an efficient computation on both CPU and GPU devices.

Útoky postranními kanály: efektivní implementace a ochrany odolné proti poruchám

Sborník příspěvků PAD 2019 – elektronická verze. Praha: AMCA spol. s r.o., 2019. p. 68-72. ISBN 978-80-88214-20-5.
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Tato práce se zabývá dosavadními výsledky autora v oblasti výzkumu útoků postranními kanály. Práce se zaměřuje na dvě hlavní oblasti: efektivní implementace pro vyhodnocování útoků a ochrany proti útokům odolné proti poruchám. V textu jsou stručně shrnuty již publikované výsledky autora a podrobněji rozebrán aktuální, zatím nepublikovaný výzkum věnovaný spolehlivým architekturám využívajícím redundanci obsaženou v maskovacích schématech pro snížení režijních nákladů zejména s ohledem na plochu. Struktura této práce kopíruje strukturu chystané dizertační práce.

Correlation Power Analysis Distinguisher Based on the Correlation Trace Derivative

Proceedings of the 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design. Piscataway: IEEE, 2018. p. 565-568. ISBN 978-1-5386-7376-8.
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Correlation power analysis (CPA) is one of the most common side channel attacks today, posing a threat to many modern ciphers, including AES. The simplest method to extract the correct key guess is selecting the guess with the maximum Pearson correlation coefficient. We propose another distinguisher based on a significant change in the correlation trace rather than on the absolute value of the coefficient. Our approach performs better than the standard CPA, especially in the noisy environment.

Dummy Rounds as a DPA countermeasure in hardware

Proceedings of the 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design. Piscataway: IEEE, 2018. p. 523-528. ISBN 978-1-5386-7376-8.
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This paper describes the technique of Dummy Rounds as a countermeasure against DPA in hardware implementation of round-based ciphers. Its principle is inspired by several well-known countermeasures used in hardware as Hiding and Dynamic Reconfiguration as well as countermeasures used in software implementations as Dummy cycles, Random order execution or Hiding in time. Being inspired by countermeasures based on dynamic reconfiguration, this method combines hiding of power consumption with hiding in time. In this work we also discuss the amount of randomness available for the control of the computation.

Speeding up differential power analysis using integrated power traces

2018 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). Piscataway: IEEE, 2018. p. 19-23. ISBN 978-1-5386-5683-9.
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Side-channel attacks, including differential power analysis (DPA), are still an emerging topic. To make a deep research about DPA, one needs to be able to perform it as fast as possible. There are many possible ways to decrease the time of the attack. In this paper, we propose a way to decrease the duration of the correlation computations of this kind of attack by decreasing the number of samples per a power trace using an integration based aggregation method. We comprehensively describe this idea and present the results of an experimental evaluation focusing on the time efficiency of this approach.

Číslicový návrh spojující odolnost proti poruchám a odolnost proti útokům

Počítačové architektúry & diagnostika PAD 2017 - Zborník príspevkov. Bratislava: STU Scientific, 2017. pp. 43-46. ISBN 978-80-972784-0-3.
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Odolnost proti poruchám a odolnost proti útokům jsou návrhové vlastnosti, které mohou být u některých zařízení vyžadovány současně. Pro obě tyto vlastnosti existují návrhové metody, které ovšem vyžadují poměrně velkou režii plochy či spotřeby. Vzhledem k této režii by se mohlo stát, že návrh odolný proti poruchám sníží odolnost proti útokům nebo naopak návrh odolný proti útokům sníží odolnost proti poruchám. Cílem našeho výzkumu je prozkoumat tyto vzájemné vlivy a navrhnout nové metody spojující odolnost proti poruchám a odolnost proti útokům.

Influence of Fault-Tolerance Techniques on Power-Analysis Resistance of Cryptographic Design

Proc. of the 20th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. p. 260-267. ISBN 978-1-5386-2146-2.
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As the security is becoming more and more important these days, we still should not forget about reliability. When designing a cryptographic device for some mission-critical or another reliability demanding system, we need to make the device not only attack-resistant, but also fault-tolerant. There are many common fault-tolerant digital design techniques, however, it is questionable, how these techniques affect the attack-resistance. Do they make the device more vulnerable e.g. to side-channel attacks? In our work we focused on finding the answer to this question. We experimentally evaluated the influence of information redundancy, space redundancy and time redundancy techniques on resistance against power analysis attack. In this paper we present our observations.

Influence of passive hardware redundancy on differential power analysis resistance of AES cipher implemented in FPGA

Microprocessors and Microsystems. 2017, 2017(51), 220-226. ISSN 0141-9331.
Many electronic systems have to fulfill strict dependability properties, especially both fault tolerance and attack resistance. Intuitively, these requirements may seem to contradict each other. A study and an experiment description of the possible methods how to measure these impacts as well as result of first experiments are presented in this paper. Specifically, how basic passive hardware redundancy design methods affects resistance against differential power analysis attack and how the whole design can be modified to increase attack resistance will be discussed.

Optimization of Pearson correlation coefficient calculation for DPA and comparison of different approaches

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Design and Diagnotics of Electronic Circuit & Systems. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. p. 184-189. ISSN 2473-2117. ISBN 978-1-5386-0472-4.
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Differential power analysis (DPA) is one of the most common side channel attacks. To perform this attack we need to calculate a large amount of correlation coefficients. This amount is even higher when attacking FPGAs or ASICs, for higher order attacks and especially for attacking DPA protected devices. This article explains different approaches to the calculation of correlations, describes our implementation of these approaches and presents a detailed comparison considering their performance and their properties for a practical usage.

Číslicový návrh spojující odolnost proti útokům a odolnost proti poruchám

Počítačové Architektury & Diagnostika PAD 2016 - Sborník příspěvků. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2016. p. 53-56. ISBN 978-80-214-5376-0.
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Tento výzkum se zabývá možnostmi, jak zkombinovat metody číslicového návrhu pro odolnost proti poruchám a odolnost proti útokům. Tyto vlastnosti se mohou často navzájem potlačovat, jejich dosažení je navíc často doprovázeno výrazným zvýšením plochy a spotřeby. V současné době se výzkum zaměřuje na vzájemný vliv obou vlastností, v budoucnu bude cílem vytvořit návrhovou metodu zlepšující obě vlastnosti současně.

Influence of fault-tolerant design methods on differential power analysis resistance of AES cipher: Methodics and challenges

Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2016). Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016. p. 14-17. ISSN 2377-5475. ISBN 978-1-5090-2221-2.
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Many electronic systems has to fulfill strict dependability properties, especially both fault tolerance and attack resistance. These requirements usually contradict each other. The study and experiment descriptions of the possible methods how to measure these impacts are presented in this paper. Specifically, how fault-tolerant design methods affects resistance against differential power analysis attack and how the whole design can be modified to increase attack resistance will be discussed.