Pen & Paper & Xerox: Early History of Tabletop RPGs in Czechoslovakia
Kabát, M.; Kovalčík, J.; Kukumbergová, A.; Richtr, R.
Acta Ludologica. 2022, 5(1), 102-117. ISSN 2585-8599.
The study presents preliminary research focused on the history of tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) in the former Czechoslovakia, especially Dungeons & Dragons (1974) and its local clone Dračí doupě (transl. Dragon’s Lair, 1990). Based on theoretical literature, period sources and semi-structured interviews with first-generation players, it gives an overview of the first contacts with RPG in the specific post-communist cultural and economic context, focusing on the distribution and reception of Dragon’s Lair, mainly in the Slovak part of the former common state. As a partial outcome of an ongoing research into the local gaming experience, the focus is not on the game itself or its commercial success, but rather on its players, their characteristics and initial experiences with tabletop RPGs in the early 1990s.
Dynamic Texture Similarity Criterion
2018 24rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2018. p. 904-909. ISSN 1051-4651. ISBN 978-1-5386-3788-3.
Stať ve sborníku
Evaluating the likeness of two similar dynamic
textures or dynamic textures of the same type is still a challenging
and unresolved problem. Temporal dimension and dynamics in
texture complicates the problem of mere texture similarities and
makes it even more challenging. A simple approach to compute
difference between DTs bag of features, STSIM of pure statistisc
methods are insufficient and does not affect the variable texture
dynamics which is crucial for human recognition. Testing the
similarity, quality and fidelity of both natural and arftificial
dynamic textures is a problem that can be solved by psychometric
tests with users, but these are challenging both in terms of time,
human resources and data processing. The solution provided by
us compares the frequency and regularity of the time behavior
of spatial frequencies in texture with great consistency with the
values provided by users testing. The solution itself provides a
functional metric that can be used to evaluate the similarity of
textures modified by inpainting, retouching as well as evaluating
the similarity of the dynamics across the type of the DTs.
Dynamic Texture Editing
Proceedings of the 31st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. New York: ACM, 2015. p. 133-140. ISBN 978-1-4503-3693-2.
Stať ve sborníku
A fast simple method for dynamic textures enlargement and editing is presented.
The resulting edited dynamic texture is a mixture of several color
dynamic textures that realistically matches the given color textures appearance and respects their original optical flows. The method simultaneously allows to spatially and temporarily
enlarge the original dynamic textures to fill any required four dimensional dynamic texture space.
The method is based on a generalization of the prominent static double toroid-shaped texture modeling roller method to the dynamic texture domain.
The presented method keeps the original static texture roller principle of separated analysis and synthesis parts of the algorithm.
In its analytical step, the input textures patches are found by an optimal overlap tiling and the subsequent minimum boundary cut.
The optimal toroid-shaped dynamic texture patches are created in each spatial and time dimension, respectively.
The spatial dimension tile border is derived by textural features, color-tone, and the minimal overlapping error. The time dimension tile border is detected by minimizing the overlapping error and using the input textures optical flow.
The realistic appearance of the dynamic textures mix requires to edit the patch color space and to find
border patches which consists from more than one type of the texture. These border patches
are found similarly to the multi-texture analysis patch step.
Since all time-consuming processing, such as the finding of optimal spatio-temporal triple toroidal patches, are done in the analytical step which is completely separated from synthesis part, the synthesis of the edited and enlarged resulting texture can by done very efficiently by applying simple set of repeating rules for these triple toroidal patches.
Thus the presented method is extremely fast and capable to synthesize a learned natural dynamic texture spatially and its time span in real-time.
Dynamic Texture Enlargement
29th Proceedings Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2013. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2013, pp. 13-20. ISBN 978-80-223-3377-1. Available from:
Stať ve sborníku
A simple fast approach for dynamic texture synthesize that realistically matches given color or multispectral texture appearance and respects its original optic flow is presented. The method generalizes the prominent static double toroid-shaped texture modeling method
to the dynamic texture synthesis domain. The analytical part of the method is based on optimal overlapping tiling and subsequent minimum boundary cut. The optimal toroid-shaped dynamic texture patches are created in each spatial and time dimension, respectively. The time dimension tile border is derived from the optical flow of the modeled texture. The toroid-shaped tiles are created in the analytical step which is completely separated from the synthesis part. Thus the presented method is extremely fast and capable to enlarge a learned natural
dynamic texture spatially and temporally in real-time.