Implementing OntoUML Models with OntoObject-Z Specifications: A Proof of Concept Relying on a Partial Ontology for VLANs
14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, SIMULTECH 2024. Setúbal: Science and Technology Publications, Lda, 2024. p. 407-414. ISBN 978-989-758-708-5.
Proceedings paper
OntoObject-Z is a descriptive language inspired by OntoUML. Just as OntoUML is a profile for the Unified Modeling Language (UML), OntoObject-Z is an extension of the Object-Z notation. The objective of this article is threefold. We first define a metamodel for OntoObject-Z and an EBNF-like notation formalizing the syntax of OntoObject-Z specifications. Second, we construct a partial ontology for Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and describe it by OntoUML models. Third, we implement our OntoUML models with OntoObject-Z specifications. The OntoObject-Z metamodel is expressed in OntoUML and the proposed EBNF rules are based on OntoUML concepts. Thanks to this, each syntactically correct OntoObject-Z specification corresponds de facto to a correct implementation of an OntoUML model.
Towards a New Ontology-Based Descriptive Language: OntoObject-Z
Bettaz, M.; Maouche, M.
6th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, IC3I 2023. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023. p. 2326-2332. ISBN 979-8-3503-0448-0.
Proceedings paper
The ultimate goal of our current research work is to design a new ontology-based language (OntoObject-Z) suitable for descriptive specifications of hardware/software systems. OntoObject-Z should be able to support Model Driven Architecture (MDA) development methodology enabling system implementation through progressive refinement of descriptive specifications. A first motivation is to contribute to the effort carried out by the community of researchers sharing the idea that the description of the problem space (as opposed to the description of the solution space) must be addressed in 'appropriate' languages. The second motivation is to avoid 'model bias ' in our stepwise refinement approach. Model bias is encountered when addressing the Computing Independent Model (CIM) of complex systems such as the Internet of Things (IoT), where prescriptive languages are still favored for reasons explained later. In this research paper, we present the characteristics and the basic ingredients of our language by adopting a qualitative research method supported by illustrative cases, by privileging readability, saving by the way space and time for the reader
Towards an Ontology for Network Management: Analysis and Refinement
Bettaz, M.; Maouche, M.
10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, 2023. p. 1157-1162. ISBN 979-8-3503-8248-8.
Proceedings paper
The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we build an ontology for a simplified network management system; to our knowledge, no attempts have been made using OntoUML or UFO based approaches. Second, we propose a refinement approach for ontologies specified in OntoUML. This refinement approach allows us to avoid some of the pitfalls of inheritance as used in 'classic' object-oriented specification and programming in general and in OntoUML in particular. Our refinement approach is illustrated through its application to the proposed network management system ontology.