Attack-Resistant and Fault-Tolerant Architectures Based on Reconfigurable Devices
Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
The internal structure of programmable devices is complex and unrevealed, which makes the design of applications with provable dependability and security difficult. At the theoretical level, the interaction between techniques for fault-tolerant and security attack-resistant design is not well understood. The crossing point of both fields, the notions of controllability, observability, and redundancy will be studied. Application architectures, where dependability and security support each other will be designed. Moreover, absorbing their features into the structure of a programmable device will be demonstrated. To prove and evaluate these achievements, methods to construct realistic models of applications will be developed. The gap caused by the complex and obscure structure of the devices will be overcome by model calibrations, that is, by aligning its predictions with the results of real device tests. Currently, the structural complexity of the device prevents design evaluation using detailed models, requiring to simplify and hierarchize the model while maintaining its relevance.
Dependable and attack-resistant architectures for programmable devices
Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2017 - 2019
This project proposal will study and design architectures which are able to tolerate faults, attacks, and unreliable sensory inputs especially in programmable devices (FPGAs), microcontroller systems and embedded systems with artificial intelligence integrated. This is typically achieved by introduction of redundancy by replicating critical circuits or by combining multiple sensory inputs. Security of devices, i.e., their resistance to malicious attacks, is the second extremely important aspect of today. Security is also often achieved by redundancy, aiming at obscuring data. The interaction between techniques for fault-tolerant, sensory robust and attack-resistant design will be studied. The intersection of all fields and the influence of controllability, observability, and redundancy will be studied.
Dependable architectures suitable for FPGAs
Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
This project proposal will study and design architectures which is able to tolerate faults in programmable devices (FPGAs). This is typically achieved by introduction of redundancy.
Security of devices, i.e., their resistance to malicious attacks, is the second extremely important aspect of today. The security is also often achieved by redundancy, aiming at obscuring data. The interaction between techniques for fault-tolerant and attack-resistant design will be studied. The crossing points of both fields, the influence of controllability, observability, and redundancy will be studied.
Digital systems design methods for highly realible and secure systems
Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
This project is focused on dependable (reliable and secure) digital systems design with respect to their area overhead, working frequency and testability. Hign realiability parameters will be achieved by appropriate redundancy and reconfiguration methods. The mutual relation between fault-tolerant and attack-resistent architectures will be studied. Pilot implementations will be realized in FPGA.
The 4th Prague Embedded Systems Workshop - PESW
Studentská vědecká konference ČVUT
SVK 58/16/F8
Prague Embedded Systems Workshop (PESW 2016, je již čtvrtým ročníkem akce přednostně určené pro studenty (doktorandy i magisterské studenty) nejen z České republiky. Hlavní náplní a cílem jsou ústní prezentace a poskytnutí velkého prostoru pro diskuse o zajímavých výzkumných výsledcích i realizačních výstupech v oblasti, která má vztah k návrhu vestavných systémů, a to k jejich realizaci, verifikaci, syntéze, testovatelnosti i zajímavým aplikacím.
Ohlasy minulých třech ročníků byly jednoznačně kladné, proto připravujeme již čtvrtý ročník PESW 2016 opět v hotelu Academic v Roztokách u Prahy, který nás zcela uspokojil jednak svou polohou a jednak službami. Hlavním organizátorem je katedra číslicového návrhu FITu, zejména členové výzkumné skupiny "Digital Design & Dependability Research Group" (
Od minulého ročníku se opět podařilo rozšířit mezinárodní programový výbor, máme přislíbenou účast doktorandů, jejich školitelů a dalších aktivních účastníků z universit z Tel Avivu (Izrael), University of Leicester (UK), University di Pavia (Itálie), Zelené Gory a Varšavy (Polsko), FIIT z Bratislavy, Západočeské university, firmy EaToN, FELu a FITu i z Brněnského VUT. CfP rozesíláme i na další pracoviště. Vzhledem k mezinárodní účasti probíhá workshop celý v angličtině.
The workshop PESW 2015 addresses emerging issues, hot problems, new solution methods, and their hardware and software implementations in the fields of digital and mixed-signal system design. It is especially focused on dependable and low power design, and testing methods related to the SoC technology and modern embedded applications. The workshop topics include (but are not limited to):
Programmable/re-configurable/adaptable architectures
SoC and NoC design and testing
Digital design optimization methods
Architectures and hardware for security applications
On-line and off-line error detection and correction
Fault-tolerant control systems design me