Ing. Jan Matoušek


Bachelor theses

Song book for religious gatherings - mobile application

Ondřej Wrzecionko
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jiří Kašpar
Thesis deals with analysis, proposal, implementation, testing and deployment of iOS and macOS application of song book for religious gatherings and supporting server providing REST API for this mobile application. Application is implemented in programming language Swift, supporting server is implemented in programming language Kotlin with use of technology Spring Web. Application allows users to display and manage songs in song books and assign song books to bands. Within these bands, leader manages members and song books, musician manages songs and singers are shown only songs and song books. Users can set song lyrics, chords, lyrics font size, bpm, default transposition and private notes. Application is deployed to iOS and macOS application store App Store. During first month, four religious gatherings started using the application and by now, over 1 000 songs in 10 song books have been added to the application.

The Slime Element - Tower defense game with innovative mechanics

Martin Němec
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Radek Richtr, Ph.D.
Goal of this thesis is to acquaint the readers with processes used for development of computer game, including analysis, design, implementation and testing of the game. The resulting game is of tower defense genre, which is analysed in the first part of the thesis alongside with analysis of game engines. Afterwards prototype of the game is designed and implemented using Unreal Engine. This game with the name "The Slime Element" is tower defense game created in 3D environment in third person view, which contains a set of mechanics not usually found in this genre, such as ability to fly through the map, finish quests in individual levels or use surrounding environment for your benefit. Prototype of the game is in the end subjected to user testing, where results of testing are summarized and the continuation of the project is outlined.

ETCS - Module for communication between EVC and RBC

Daria Roshchupkina
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
This thesis is concerned with the design for the ETCS simulator of libraries of variables, packets and messages, which are necessary for communication between EVC and RBC, and with the design for this simulator of the communication module for communication between EVC and RBC on the EVC side, for versions 2.3.0, 3.4.0 and 3.6.0 of the system requirements for ETCS defined by the SUBSET-026 developed by ERA. This work also describes the implementation of the libraries of variables for each of versions 2.3.0, 3.4.0 and 3.6.0 and the implementation of libraries of selected packets for each version, which are based on this design. It also describes the differences and similarities of ETCS language's variables, packets, and messages, which are required for communication between EVC and RBC modules in the ETCS simulator, and communication with RBC from the EVC side between versions 2.3.0, 3.4.0 and 3.6.0 of the ETCS system requirements.

ETCS - Dynamic speed monitoring module for EVC

Alina Krasnenkova
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
The first part of this thesis gives an overview of the ETCS, gives the description of the EVC and its main functionalities, that are necessary for the speed and distance monitoring of the train. The second part describes the design and implementation of the module, that is created for this thesis. This module is parted into three submodules: messages and packets receiver, MRSP calculator and dynamic speed monitoring.

Video reporting portal

Dmitry Belov
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Oldřich Malec
Thesis focuses on the development of a web portal prototype. First, the requirements for the prototype are determined using competition analysis. Subsequently, using software engineering methods, a suitable solution is designed to meet the requirements. Both the technologies used in the implementation and the necessary prototype functional are designed. After the design, I will demonstrate the use of the most important technologies in the implementation of the prototype. The entire implementation is written in JavaScript using TypeScript and other tools and libraries like Express and React. The finished implementation is then tested and the shortcomings of the implemented prototype are determined. The result is a functional prototype fulfilling the identified requirements. The work could be followed by finishing the prototype in to the production version, enriching it with another functionality and by fixing shortcomings of prototype.

Magitech - Dungeon generator

Jiří Macháček
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Adam Vesecký
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to create a procedural generator of game environments - dungeons - for the game Magitech. The paper analyzes the methods of procedural content generation, which can be used to generate different types of dungeons. From the analyzed methods, the most suitable method for use in the case of Magitech - the use of agents - is selected. The agent-based dungeon generator is then designed and implemented in the game using the Unity environment. The generator is finally thoroughly tested. The generator module implemented in this work meets the requirements set by the client, and will be incorporated into the game in the future.

Magitech - Player / Nonplayer character interaction module

Štěpán Vejvoda
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
This bachelor`s thesis deals with development of a player-npc interaction system. The individual modules are based on analysis of videogames from the same genre. The thesis also includes a commentary on implementation and developer/player testing.

Project allocation planning tool

Martin Německý
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Filip Kirschner
This bachelor thesis focuses on the project resource (employee) allocation problem, where the main assignment criterion is the preferences of employees for projects. The constraint programming technique is used here, which allows the allocation problem to be solved in a declarative way using the constraint specification. The work also contains an analysis of the requirements, from which the design and architecture of the application are based. The subsequent implementation of the application is tested using the generated data for calculation time and solution quality.

ETCS - EVC - Reversing, shunting and post trip mode implementation

Matěj Malý
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis extends the functionality of the ETCS simulator, which is being developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Transportation Sciences at CTU in Prague. ETCS is a united European train protection system. The focus of the thesis is the EVC component, which is the core of the on-board subsystem and is responsible for collection and evaluation of data from other components. The outcome of this thesis is the addition of modes reversing (mode used for reversing movements), shunting (mode used for shunting movements) and post trip (mode entered after emergency braking is over) to EVC. The thesis includes the design and description of the implementation of mode transitions and functionality in these modes. Furthermore, it describes how the solution was tested. The outcome of this thesis extends the possible scenarios that can be run in the simulator.

ETCS - EVC - Braking curves computation module

Jiří Doležal
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
This bachelor's thesis deals with the European train security system ETCS, specifically the simulator of the mentioned security system, which is created in cooperation between the Faculty of Transport and the Faculty of Information Technologies of the Czech Technical University in Prague. The thesis focuses on the calculation of braking curves and the limits associated with them. The created solution calculates the train distance for a given speed and is thus an integral part of the mechanism that prevents the train from colliding with its surroundings. The benefit of this work is the comprehensibility and clarity of the braking curve code, which makes the module easy to use for other members of the project. Another advantage is the structuring of the code, which enables quality testing.

Relational database structure synchronization with GIT

Tomáš Krupička
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.
The goal of this thesis is to analyze and create a solution for ways of using the Git versioning system for versioning and synchronization of changes in a database model, focused mainly on usage in a large-scale company environment. This thesis is based on an existing solution for synchronizing changes from a database to Git and other conventions and software already used in target environment. The thesis also designs a system as a whole using said existing solution and own created solution for deploying changes made in Git to a database. The final solution should allow an effective usage of the Git versioning tool and its extensions (like Azure Repos) and also account for possible complications that can arise from a heavier load of the system.

E-shop backend - supporting processes

David Mareš
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jiří Hunka
The work focuses on expanding the backend part of a system for managing an e-shop. As part of the work, a thorough analysis of the currently used solution was conducted, which needed to be replaced due to the use of outdated technologies and high complexity, making maintenance and scaling difficult. The work consists of several parts, each of which brings something new and useful for managing the e-shop. One of the key elements of this work is a tool for exporting data, which uses Doctrine ORM and a custom parser for composing database queries and creating files in selected data format. This tool was created with a focus on high configurability and security. Another significant element of the work is the solution for automating processes. The created solution uses Symfony Command together with The ScheduleBundle package for scheduling and managing individual tasks. Finally, the work deals with possible extensions of the created solution, especially the development of a user interface for creating configurations used by the data export tool, which was created as part of this work.

E-shop backend - shopping cart and order processing

Nikita Golmgren
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jiří Hunka
This bachelor's thesis deals with systems of creating and processing orders in e-shops. In this thesis, a thorough analysis both of the topic and the current state of newly developed e-shop backend Porcupine from the company Jagu s.r.o. was conluded. Based on the result of the analysis, a shopping cart module was designed, using the practices of Domain-Driven Development and the MVC design pattern. The programming language PHP 8.1 with Symfony framework was used to implement the created design, which was then integrated into the Porcupine system and tested. The outcome of this thesis is a backend module for e-shops capable of creating orders from selected products.

Enemy recommendation algorithm for Dungeons and Dragons groups

Matěj Mikušek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. David Bernhauer, Ph.D.
The content of this thesis is to design an algorithm for Dungeon Masters that will recommend suitable enemies in the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons (DnD). The thesis describes the issue of choosing suitable enemies for specific parties, then analyzes the existing functional solutions, especially web and mobile applications, which allow random generation of enemies according to the specified party of players and other criteria. Furthermore, the work describes research among Dungeon Masters, focusing on their satisfaction with the current solutions, their view on the applicability of these solutions in practice, and suggestions for what an ideal algorithm for generating enemies should take into account and enable. The algorithm was designed in the work based on the results of the conducted surveys and analyzes in order to best help the Dungeon Master in making decisions when choosing suitable enemies for his specific group of players and their game characters. This was achieved in part by taking into account the abilities of individual player characters and generated enemies in addition to the usual criteria such as character level and enemy challenge rating. However, the biggest part of the correct functionality of the algorithm is the use of genetic algorithm, where the created algorithm simulates the fight of a party of players with individual groups of generated enemies and includes only those simulation results that best match the required criteria in the resulting design of enemies for the Dungeon Master. The conclusion of the work is the creation of a web application using the created algorithm, the actual testing during real DnD games and a description of the possibilities of how this work can be followed up in the future.

ETCS - Training facility - Train driver evaluation tool

Jiří Čermák
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Kamil Dedecius, Ph.D.
ETCS is a new security system that is implemented on more and more sections of railway lines in the Czech Republic. This work proposes an approach for the classification of data recorded from a simulated ride and the automatic detection of the type of mistakes made. The output of this work is a module for the lecturer's workstation, which is part of the ETCS simulator created by the Faculty of Information Technology at CTU. First, the recorded data was analyzed and then a modified classification model was created, which is capable not only of the classification itself, but also of error detection.

ETCS - Project management and output quality control

Martin Čáslavský
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
The goal of this thesis is to analyze the project management of the ETCS simulator and implement supportive programs to make development easier. The thesis focuses on identifying current issues in project management and analyzing them to find effective solutions. The implemented support programs include a script for time tracking and an extended JRU component with its own logging system. This application, including the graphical user interface, has the potential to assist future students in developing new functionalities. The thesis brings a new perspective to the project and raises questions regarding its future.

Backend for Dungeons and Dragons character creator with user created content

Filip Čihák
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Marek Suchánek, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis is concerned with the development of the backend server of a web application for creating characters for the game Dungeons & Dragons. The developed application allows to define custom game content such as character classes, spells and weapons. Players can add these elements to their character sheets to play as a given class or carry a given weapon, for example. The backend is implemented in Java using the Spring Boot framework and uses the MongoDB database system for data persistence. It provides a REST API which author Žaneta Trošková uses in her bachelor thesis for the frontend part of the application. Finally, the application is tested and possibilities for future extensions of the system are suggested.

System for detection and monitoring of web applications versions in internal networks

Petr Morávek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Václav Podlipný
This bachelor's thesis deals with the problematic of detection and monitoring web applications deployed on internal network environments with Debian operation system. In the analysis part, tools that enable network range scanning and automatic detection of web applications were researched. Based on the results of the analysis, a design of the application was created to meet the requirements of the client, which is the company Quanti s. r. o. The application is able to explore the specified network range and detect web applications running in it. For discovered web applications, the tool is able to detect their current version if the particular web application is part of the supported list. The user is able to extend the list and define additional rules to be used for further detection of web applications. The tool is also able to compare the current version with the latest available versions and thus inform the user about the appropriate update. The application explores the device using SSH technology and retrieves data from web addresses using web scraping, but its source code is designed to be easily extended by other methods in the future. The application is implemented in Python and communicates with the user using an API created using the Flask framework. The application was properly tested in an isolated environment that simulated a network space with running web applications.

Web frontend for Dungeons and Dragons character creator

Žaneta Trošková
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Marek Suchánek, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
This thesis deals with the creation of a frontend application for character creation in Dungeons and Dragons. Existing tools for D&D character creation are analyzed and the requirements are consulted with a specific player group. Based on this, the user interface of the application is designed using Figma. The application is implemented in the React framework and uses the Material-UI library to create UI components. The created application communicates via an API interface with the backend application, which is implemented by Filip Čihák in his bachelor thesis. Manual and automated tests are created to ensure the quality of the application. At the end of the thesis, usability testing is performed and individual improvements are suggested for future development of the application.

ETCS - New architecture design and refactoring of DMI

Tereza Neprašová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jiří Chludil
This thesis focuses on a new architectural design and update of the DMI component, which is part of the ETCS simulator. The simulator project is developed in cooperation between the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Transport of CTU and is based on a real European train control system ETCS. The DMI component is a graphical display the train driver interacts with. Based on the analysis of the deficiencies of the former DMI architecture and the architecture of the remaining simulator components, this thesis presents a new design focusing mainly on the future extensibility and sustainability of the application. It also updates the DMI from version 2.3.0 to 4.0.0 according to the official documentation of the European Union. The output of this thesis is the implementation of the application core, communication with other simulator components, the creation of a graphical framework for the user interface and the implementation of several DMI windows. The application is both tested and documented. The main contribution of the thesis is a significant facilitation and acceleration of future application development and architectural unification with other components of the simulator.

ETCS - New architecture design and refactoring of RBC

Ondřej Veselý
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
doc. Ing. Martin Leso, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis and reimplementation of a key component of the RBC from the ETCS system. ETCS is the European Train Control System and this thesis is part of a simulator that is being developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Transport. The main objective is extensibility and code quality. The focus is on the analysis of the existing implementation and compliance with ERA-ERTMS specifications. The result is a completely rewritten RBC component in c++ language, a unified architecture between already existing other ETCS components and defined common messages in the CEM repository. This work was crucial to move the ETCS project forward due to the many inconsistencies between the components and the need for them to work together. This work has made the components much more extensible, and more importantly, they run on the same architecture, so understanding how they work and then extending them is much easier.

The Secret of Meenees - Study of procedural generation algorithms

Michal Sládek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Radek Richtr, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis focuses on implementing 3 distinct algorithms that are then used to procedurally generate a certain type of video game level, a dungeon, for the game The secret of Meenees. This game was initially created as a team project for the BI-VHS course. The various methods of procedurally generating dungeons are analyzed, as well as other games that implement them. Then, 3 various methods are chosen, based on the requirements of the game. These are designed and implemented in the form of scripts for the Unity game engine. Finally, the levels that were produced by these generators are tested and evaluated by team members to determine their quality.

WebAssembly Memory Debugger

Jakub Mareš
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Ladislav Vagner, Ph.D.
The ability to compile programs written in manually managed languages such as C and C++ to WebAssembly has introduced the need for a WebAssembly memory debugger similar to Valgrind's Memcheck. The result of this thesis is Wasm Doctor, a WebAssembly memory debugger inspired by Valgrind's Memcheck. It focuses on the detection of undefined value bugs and the detection of dynamic memory allocation bugs. The detection of memory bugs works best for C programs compiled by Clang, as the compiler choice affects some structures inside the executable, that Wasm Doctor uses for the detection of bugs. Immediate application of this memory debugger is in the Trainer education tool used during Programming and Algorithmics 1 and 2 courses at FIT CTU. The memory debugger utilizes shadow memory for undefined value bug detection. Instead of instrumentation, as is the case for Valgrind, Wasm Doctor uses an existing interpreter --- Toywasm. This thesis also outlines the unique problems associated with the analysis of WebAssembly executables.

Turn based role playing game in Godot engine

Minh Hieu Ta
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Adam Vesecký
This bachelor's thesis deals with the implementation of a turn-based game in the Godot Engine 4.2 with the use of C# as the main programming language. The thesis follows the development process from conception to design and implementation. The result of the work is an example project to be used as a learning resource for people with basic-to-intermediate knowledge of programming, but no experience with game development.

Trainer - Quiz and self-testing modules for learning web portal

Matej Pašek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jiří Zikán
The aim of this thesis is to describe the process of developing a quiz and test module for the Trainer web portal, which is used to support the teaching of selected courses at the CTU FIT. This process is carried out in several phases - analysis, design, implementation and subsequent testing. For the development of the server part of the application, which exposes the REST API, the Spring framework is used, for the development of the web interface the VueJS framework is used. Once developed, these modules are then integrated into the Trainer system, both the server part and the web interface, thus achieving the main goal of this thesis - to create and integrate these modules into the system so that they can be subsequently used in tutorials (or teaching in general) or for individual study. The Trainer application, along with these modules, is continuously being developed and is available on a website, after logging in with a CTU identity. The API documentation for these modules can also be seen in the attachments.

Behavior tree editor

Michael Moyal
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Bc. Ondřej Brém, MSc.
This bachelor thesis addresses the need for a behavior tree development tool with a modern user interface. Firstly there is an analysis of existing solutions paired with a short introduction to the field of behavior trees. The main focus of this thesis is the design and development of a new desktop app designed according to the requirements of the developers than use these tools everyday. The result is a prototype of the potential new user interface implementing some of the developers' requirements. This prototype is then user tested with the previously mentioned developers and the findings are summarized. Further development options are then also proposed.

Forged in Lies - levels, environment and atmosphere

Martin Felkl
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Radek Richtr, Ph.D.
This thesis is concerned with the design of the environment and atmosphere of the levels of Forged in Lies, which was created as a group project in the BI-VHS course. Two programs, Blender and Unreal Engine 5, were used to achieve the objectives of the thesis. Blender was used to create 3D models of the walls, floors and other objects that make up the rooms used to create the levels of the game. The rest of the work was then processed in Unreal Engine 5. To achieve more variability in the levels, a procedural generator was created, inspired by the algorithm from the game Binding of Isaac. This generator uses a predefined set of rooms, which it stacks according to various criteria into one larger level. The set of rooms was created by combining 3D models, materials, lighting and other visual effects to complete the resulting atmosphere, which is also one of the main issues addressed in the thesis. The models, materials, visual effects and other elements created in this thesis were also used to enhance the levels predating this thesis.

Master theses

King Karel - An Educational Programming Puzzle Game

Jan Bittner
Master thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Petr Pauš, Ph.D.
The master's thesis deals with the development of a prototype of the game King Karel -- an educational programming puzzle game. The thesis describes the process of analysis, design, and implementation of the mentioned game, emphasizing the design of the architecture of individual parts. The client part is created using the Flutter framework, and the server part is created using the ASP.NET Web API framework.

Object-relational mapping for database access in JavaScript

Ladislav Louka
Master thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jaroslav Šmolík
In this thesis, we investigate the role of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and query builder packages in JavaScript, focusing on the support of TypeScript. The study aims to compare various packages, assessing their flexibility and performance overhead to facilitate an informed decision-making process for developers. Such comparison is important due to modern applications' proliferation of database access.

Pressure vessel and technology review management system

Pavel Jordán
Master thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Monika Borkovcová, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of a new system for the review management of pressure vessels and other technology. I create a tailor-made system for the company where I work at. I begin with a description of the revision domain and the necessary theory. I go through existing solutions on the market and then perform complete analysis of the functions of both the current solution and new functions. Based on this analysis, an application design is created with an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use. The next part of this work is devoted to the implementation of the system, followed by its testing and verification of use. The work is completed by deploying the system for use.

Trainer - Web portal to support teaching programming

Ondřej Wrzecionko
Master thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Jiří Zikán
The thesis deals with analysis, design, implementation, deployment and testing of web portal to support teaching programming, done in two iterations. Portal consists of frontend implemented in Vue.js technology and supporting backend in Spring Web technology. System enables teachers to create programming tasks and organise them in lessons, weeks and courses. Students complete the tasks and if needed, they can consult their solutions. System provides automatic or manual task evaluation, summary of student progress in lessons and anonymized projection of student solutions. System is deployed on FIT CTU infrastructure and throughout first two semesters, it has been used in 2 subjects, 16 parallels by 768 students and 17 teachers, who have created over 350 tasks. Both students and teachers rate the system positively and in future, it is planned to be used in another subjects and on other schools.

Study on using language models in storytelling games

Jiří Macháček
Master thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Radek Richtr, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis aims to explore the use of large language models to tell game stories through non-player characters. State-of-the-art techniques for using large language models allow one to freely interact with the game characters and use them to tell consistent and coherent stories. This thesis analyses the currently best-rated large language models, the techniques for their use in practice and the criteria for their evaluation. The theoretical part also includes traditional practices for creating believable narratives and characters. The practical result of this thesis is a playable prototype named HaLLMark, which is implemented in the Unity game engine. The prototype's primary purpose is to compare large language models in terms of the quality of the generated stories and the quality of the impersonation of the game characters. The playable prototype is then used for this exact purpose during testing to evaluate the currently best-performing existing large language models. The HaLLMark prototype does not lag behind from a gameplay perspective. Testers especially praised the novel concept of the game and the fact that the large language models are able to stick to the story they generate consistently.

Crowd sourcing in video game development

Zdeněk Havelka
Master thesis
Ing. Jan Matoušek
Ing. Adam Vesecký
The aim of this thesis is to explore the area of crowdsourcing with a focus on the video game industry. The thesis builds a theoretical foundation based on real-world examples of crowdsourcing usage and examines the potential in this field that has not been fully realized. On this foundation, a prototype platform has been designed and implemented, enabling the development of video games supported by the community. The prototype is then tested, and a proposal for its future expansion is provided. Emphasis is placed on collaboration with the community, and managerial and ethical aspects of such development are also discussed. The thesis describes and applies gamification techniques. Through the resulting prototype, a new paradigm for video game development is presented.