Bachelor theses
Designing Service for Product Placement Support in Social Media
Martin Vaňo
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
The objective of this work is to simplify process of searching relevant candidates for advertisement purposes on various social networks. This goal is reached by creating a process for evaluating the users of social network according to number and quality of their followers and their public conversations. Part of this work is a proper design of data storage with concern to effective data processing and querying. The result of this work is simply a system which returns relevant candidates that are suitable for marketing purposes according to customer requirements based on his target customer group.
Web application for management of multimedia files
Petr Suchý
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the development of a web application for
managing multimedia files. Its goal is to analyze demands of both individuals
and small teams, to design the user interface and to develop a prototype of a
modular application for multimedia management.
The application will deliver detailed information about files, their thumbnails
and will allow users to sort and filter the managed files. The implementation
focuses on the modular aspect of the application by supporting plugins for
different file formats, user friendly and synoptic user interface and low hardware
requirements. The result of the thesis is a prototype of the application
and the results of analysis for potential future development.
Analysis and reengineering of cash system at Koupaliště Flošna
Lenka Stejskalová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
The thesis focuses on the analysis and the proposal of changes of cash system at Koupalište Flošna in Hradec Králové. An objective of work is to analyze present state of the system, to propose its improvements and this solution compare with the contemporary solution. The first part of this thesis contains an analysis of present state of system. The second part of thesis concentrates on the proposal of optimised solution of the system and the design of rechargeable automat. The thesis also focuses on the security regarding to the system and recharging. The thesis analyzes the security of smard cards and used type of data encryption. The proposed solution improves the system operation, eliminates some issues of the contemporary solution and simplifies a work of staff of the swimming pool. A rechargeable automat was implemented and tested. The proposal was referred to the owner of the swimming pool.
Data processing application for the Digiterm system
Martin Votruba
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Pavel Krsek, Ph.D.
The thesis aims to design and implement visualisation environment for interpretation of values measured by the Digiterm system. Digiterm is used for measurement of physical quantities as is temperature, pressure or humidity. The system is mostly deployed to pharmaceutical industry. The visualisation application was developed as desktop application for OS Windows in .NET framework. The goal of the thesis is to elaborate an analysis and design a new version. The older version did not suit modern requirements and also does not implement all required functionality. The core of the thesis is in detailly specified use cases. The thesis contains a domain and database model. With successful analysis I was able to implement a new version of the application that better suits user's requirements.
Modular web application for server management
Viktorie Novotná
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Pavel Štěpán
This work solves problem of evidence of customers and servers in a hosting company. More precisely it solves fragmentation of such evidence across many non-cooperating systems. This problem is solved by creation of new information system which shows all information in one place. It is even capable of creating new server instances along with proper evidence. For the company and its employees the system brings simplification of routine operations and more precise evidence. For an external reader, implementation itself may be interesting. For example, the system does not use any storage, and gets all the data asynchronously over the HTTP REST API.
Application of smart watches for remote devices control
Jan Holub
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis fucuses on process of creation technology which allows to smart watches to control other devices which are adapted for it. The thesis contains analysis, design and implementation. Result of this thesis is prototype aplication for smart watches, server aplication and some trial virtual devices which can be controlled.
Modular reservation system for the Food and Beverage companies
Pavel Beran
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
The aim of this thesis is the creation of a new reservation system for restaurants.
The new system should generate reservation form, which visual can be
set by restaurant. The whole process should be fast and the insertion of the
form in the webpages should be easily done, while the form will not destroy
the document structure and will fit graphically there. The output of the thesis
is the application that fulfills the above requirements and recommendations
for its further development.
Information System for Management of Part-timer Workshifts
Martin Zákravský
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to resolving the issue of planning shifts and organizing time schedules of part-time workers in companies. The motivation for choosing this topic came from a vision of a more pleasant and better arranged environment for work, both for the employee and the employer, as well as for prevention of problems (ie. shift collision, exceeding the limit of workers on a certain shift) and as a security element against unauthorized changes (ie. interfering with other people's shifts, unreported cancelling of user's own shifts). The goal of this thesis is a descriptive design, analysis and implementation of an information system, which will resolve this problem. Part of the analysis will focus on detailed setting of requirements on the shifts' life-cycles, user permissions and internal processes requirements. The information system itself will be realized as a web application based on PHP and using an appropriate framework and it will communicate with a MySQL database. As the main result of this thesis, the prototype of the application will support authentization of individual users, differentiation of individual user roles, manipulation with shifts using the rules specified in the analysis and well-arranged display of the availability of shifts.
Practical Implementation of Gamification for Scrum
Martin Koliba
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Petr Špaček, Ph.D.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the usage of gamification in the Scrum framework, collect information about gamification and map existing solutions of gamification for Scrum. The main goal of the thesis is to design a gamification system for Scrum, suggest a procedure of implementation of the system and estimate time and resources needed for doing so. The results of the thesis are following: wide lists of business objectives and target behaviours which can be addressed with gamification, description of the design of the gamified system, the procedure of its implementation and the estimation of resources and time needed for realisation of the project.
Web application for effective learning support
Klára Pavlišová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis is about creation of a tool for effective learning support. An objective of this work is to analyze current solutions of problematics, propose their improvements, explore users' requirements and implement final application on that basis and test it. The result of the thesis is evaluation of the self-testing problematics and a prototype of the web application that covers all found use cases and focuses mainly on students.
Mobile Application for Parking in Prague
Bogdan Kurpakov
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
The main topic of this study is to develop a mobile application that targets an iOS platform. The thesis thoroughly describes internal project structure, utilized technologies, and reasoning behind different solutions. Besides that, the market research was done, and viable business strategy was created. As an end result, there is a finished mobile application which went through extensive testing. The created software provides a simple way to order virtual parking hours in Prague. The appendix contains CD with images, videos, and source codes.
Reservation System for Football Matches
Nikolai Kosariev
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
This thesis is focusing on solving the problem of organizing football matches. The aim of the work is to analyze existing solutions of this problem, propose improvements, analyze user needs and, on the basis of previous studies, design the most optimal solution and subsequently implement and test the prototype of reservation system. This booking system is implemented using Java framework Spring. As the main result of this thesis, the prototype of the application will support the authentication of individual users, the creation of new matches, the search for existing ones and further participation in them.
Analysis and Evaluation of Common Mobile-specific Marketing Techniques
Martin Mazanec
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Pavel Krejčí
This work focuses on improving user acquisition, retention and revenue of selected mobile app by applying mobile-specific marketing techniques. The theoretical part of the study is a combination of exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research about mobile marketing and the business of mobile apps.
In the thesis, I explain selected marketing methods, share the opinions of other experts and the results of other researches. Besides that, I observe and analyze whether and how the top grossing mobile apps use them. The practical part of this work consists of experimenting and analyzing these techniques on Fitify Workouts & Plans - a fitness app developed by Fitify Workouts s.r.o. These split testing experiments were created and evaluated with the help of Firebase Analytics, Google BigQuery, and Google Data Studio.
Mobile application for treatment of childhood obesity at MEDASOL company
Lukáš Pekař
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis is focused on mobile application development of MedaFit application on operating system Android that helps cure childhood obesity with help of Medasol company. Specification, design and implementation of the application is done using methods of software engineering and is based on previous diploma thesis about business model for this application. The core of application is sharing meal photos between child and doctor and also gamification. The output of this work is functional mobile application on Android that can be used by Medasol for curing childhood obesity.
Dowry Towns of Bohemian Queens - Project and Risk Analysis
Denis Drda
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Chludil
This dissertation is primarily focused on the analysis of the 'Dowry Towns of Bohemian Queens' (VMČK) project. It also considers a following proposal on process management within the project and recommends further steps to deliver a better performance of the VMČK project.
The theoretical part of the study is focused on the definition of essential terms related to the project. These include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), licences MIT, and also the history of Dowry towns. It then considers the possibilities of tools supporting virtual and augmented reality with a focus on hardware capacity requirements as well as cost. Linked to the previous objective is a test of the tools and a subsequent comparison of the various benefits for the average user. Finally, this main chapter deals with project management focusing on two basic methodology benchmarks (PRINCE2 and IPMA).
The beginning of the practical part is focused on the study of existing projects dealing with history, namely projects in the field of history studies such as computer games and applications. After that there follows basic information about the project. Then there is an analysis of a transfer of outputs as well as of concrete outputs within the project VMČK. The chapter continues with an analysis of the current state of the VMČK project, and with the subsequent proposal for the solving of management processes of the VMČK project. This chapter concludes with an inquiry into the use of the MIT licence including its benefits.
The final part evaluates the whole dissertation as well as the proposal for the project management processes. This is followed by a recommendation on further steps within the VMČK project.
Paragliding Pilot Logbook mobile application design
Jindřich Doležal
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Petr Chmelař
This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis and design of a mobile application that is connected to a web service that allows to keep a pilot logbook for paragliding. The main goal is to create a prototype of a mobile application that serves as a flight diary for its users and brings the functionalities that users are familiar with from the web interface of the service. In order to achieve this goal, an analysis of the web interface and an analysis of current solutions on the market will be carried out. In addition, a prototype of the mobile application is designed and developed. Finally, based on tests with potential users, an analysis will be made and modifications will be proposed for the further development of the application.
The result of the work can be used as a basis for the creation of a multiplatform mobile application that will be used by paragliders all over the world, bringing a better user experience and easier access to keeping a pilot logbook.
Master theses
Social Web System Pheeha
Martin Strobel
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Pavel Krejčí
This thesis presents the entrepreneurial intention of creating a social system, Pheeha, which focuses on fashion, namely the rating of outfits. The intention is realized in the form of a business plan and the programming of a working prototype. This paper also incorporates a competitive analysis, including product differentiation and, in particular, the added value offered by the presented system. The thesis comprises the business model and the timetable of the project which is processed in conjunction with a risk analysis. The analytical and design documentation including wireframes represents another aim of this paper. The thesis also deals with the evaluation of further development of the system and the return on the project.
Educational Application for PERT Method
Tomáš Sýkora
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
This master thesis focuses on analysis, design and implementation of a web application for PERT and PERT simulation. In the beginning, the necessary knowledge for understanding PERT method is explained. After the theoretical part of the thesis, the focus shifts towards user interface draft, analysis and architecture of the system. In the second half of the thesis, the implementation of the information system is elaborated, followed by the testing description and a short summary of the documentation. The conclusion of the thesis points out the possible future improvements.
Measurement of Criticalness and Risk Potential in Projects
Jan Kubovic
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
This master thesis deals with creation of Microsoft Project add-in, which implements computation of the criticalness and threatening potential. The necessary theoretical knowledge for understanding of the criticalness and threatening potential is explained at the beginning of this thesis. Second part of
the thesis deals with analysis, implementation and testing of the add-in. Installation process and user interface of the add-in are described at the end of
the thesis.
Educational Application for GERT Method
Přemysl Černý
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
This thesis is focused on creating an educational application for the GERT method, which is commonly used to estimate the duration of projects. After a theoretical introduction to project management, graph theory and CPM, PERT and GERT methods, there follows an analysis of the previously mentioned application based on gathering requirements and on use cases, a design of architecture, an implementation of the application to be used in website browsers and creating basic educational tutorials, which are further expandable, modifiable and replicable. The emphasis is on interactivity of the application, creation of custom activities of projects and their addition to the graph representation and easy navigation among tutorials and their inner pages. The main objective of this thesis is, using the previously mentioned application, to make teaching the GERT method more effective and in this way increase the probability of its use during a design of real projects.
Application for Data Analysis of Crowdfunding Projects
Lucie Stará
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This thesis deals with the new area of funding projects, crowdfunding. It explains what crowdfunding is, what are the principles and types. It briefly summarizes its historical development in Czech Republic and other foreign countries a how was this new area of funding accepted. The thesis contains an analysis of four most known crowdfunding websites, two czech and two foreign, analyses its design, principles and how are they working. It also describes the existing online tools for tracking projects online, but these are only for foreign sites. The practical part of this thesis deals with analysis, design, implementation and testing of a tool to download data from site and tool for displaying the downloaded data to users. Evaluation of the projects progress and proposal of future development is also included.
Software Testing Gamification
Pavel Čejka
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This thesis explores the possibilites of application of gamification - a popular trend of today - into the processes of software testing. The aim of the thesis is to assess which of these possibilities are viable for this field. The thesis deals initially in the necessary theory about the need of testing and about different types of testing, then gamification is introduced alongside reasons why and how is gamification achievable. In the practical part of the thesis, the drawbacks of JMeter software are analyzed and new visualizer was designed which uses selected gamification principes. Despite the proof of concept being created, main outputs of the thesis are several suggestions and paths for gamification to move along to the future.
Aplication for configuration of dispatcher's terminals
Jiří Mantlík
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
This master thesis deals with analysis, design and implementation of server application for configuration of railroad dispatcher terminals. The application should serve administrators of Správa železniční dopravní cesty for management of configurations, firmware versions and phone books used by terminals in individual stations. The main beneficial outcome of this thesis is simplification of terminals maintenance, which is nowadays made by manual installation and configuration of each machine.
Analysis of IOTA Protocol and its Use Cases
Pavel Beran
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Michal Valenta, Ph.D.
The Internet of Things is one of the modern concepts that are still searching for its future main technologies. The reason for this are mainly its extensive technological requirements. One of these technologies that aims to become one of the IoT standards is IOTA protocol. It is one of the implementations of distributed ledger. In the first part this thesis presents the protocol itself and the main technologies and concepts it is based on. After that the protocol is analysed, especially its usability for the Internet of Things due to its specific requirements. The thesis also presents some new business models and applications that can be created thanks to the protocol. One of these applications is implemented in the last part and the implementation serves as a basis for the analysis of the development upon the protocol. Overall the thesis presents the IOTA protocol and analyses it as a new technology for IoT, as a project itself and also as a technology intended to be used for application development.
Information System for Administration of Funding Applications in Operational Programme Environment
Marek Pukaj
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
The master's thesis focuses on the issue of the administration of the funding applications in the Operational Programme Environment. The main aim of the thesis is to design and implement the information system, which will serve for the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic to manage the funding applications. The detailed process of creating the system that begins with the analysis and ends up with the testing is described in the thesis. At the end of the thesis there is an evaluation of the benefits of this system for the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic and the presentation of the possibility of the further development.
Application for Fish Biotope Research Support
Lukáš Kozlík
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
This master thesis deals with analysis, design and implementation of local web application for support and data management of fish research. The application is created for the team from Institute for Environmental Studies in Charles University. The Application goal is to support better data management from the fish research. It means to create uniform data structure, provide access for data subcategories and offer various export options. The process also includes data preparation for next usage by analytics tools.
Comparison of DEMO and BPMN Notations Using Usability Study in UI Lab
Jan Mára
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Šenkýř
In scope of this thesis is Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Design \& Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO), which describe different ways of process modelling. Both have different approaches and we will try to find out which one is more appropriate for specific situations. We will try to define two situations, one suitable for BPMN and one suitable for DEMO. Then we devise hypotheses about readability of BPMN and DEMO models in these two situations, determine criteria for evaluating hypotheses and compare those four models with user testing in the usability laboratory. Based on the testing results, we evaluate expressed hypotheses.
During searching for suitable situations, we found that to keep models comparable, we cannot clearly identify process more appropriate for BPMN or DEMO. Thus, we focused on research and concluding hypotheses from testing. We found situation that suits both approaches and we tested their models in laboratory. In conclusion, we hypothesize that BPMN diagrams are more intuitive than DEMO models for readers unaware of either approach. We recommend a follow-up study of BPMN-based and DEMO-based BPM systems, because we think that DEMO has enormous potential but applying DEMO heavily depends on implementation of its BPM system.
Comparison of DEMO and BPMN Notations Using Usability Study in UI Lab
Marek Peša
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Marek Skotnica
This thesis focuses on comparion on two tools for business process modeling. DEMO methodology and BPMN notation. It is a result of my cooperation with Bc. Jan Mára under the leadership of Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D. The theoretical part consists of introduction to business process, BPMN notation, DEMO methodology and usability testing. The practical part contains description of the Czech Republic's legislative process and it's BPMN and DEMO models. We performed a usability study of both of our processes together with Jan Mára. We formed a hypothesis, that BPMN is more user friendly than DEMO to an inexpirienced user, based on the usability study. Our other conclusions were, that a short DEMO introduction is not good enough for a regular inexpirienced user, BPMN is partially intuitive due to it's special symbols and our third conclusion was, that DEMO methodology was designed for more complicated processes than the Czech legislative process.
Knowledge Management based Information System Design
Marek Elznic
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This thesis deals with issues of knowledge management within an organisation. Notably, it examines knowledge management systems that support knowledge management. It introduces the principles of their design, analyses currently available solutions, and recommends appropriate solutions for typical examples of organisations from the IT segment. The thesis aims to show the basics of knowledge management and to design an information system that will serve as a knowledge base in a medium-sized IT organisation. The main contribution of the thesis is the design of the information system that can be easily implemented in the presented organisation.
Design of System for Parking Systems Reporting
Jakub Zahradníček
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a system for GREEN Center parking system data acquiring, processing and presentation. The system consists of two separate web applications using REST API to communicate with each other. Applications are implemented in Java programming language using frameworks Spring and Bootstrap. Other technologies used to implement and deploy applications include WildFly application server, SQL Anywhere database server, and several external libraries. The result is a prototype of the system that allows GREEN Center parking system operators to manually and automatically generate reports, summaries and statistics.
Design of Business Model for Child Obesity Project
Andrea Holoubková
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis focuses on the design of the business model of the child obesity project, whose goal is to create a mobile application that will help obese children to lose weight. Based on the business model, personas that represents typical parents of obese children, are defined. According to these personas, in-depth interviews are made with parents using the Design Thinking methodology to determine their motivation for mobile application. It serves to verify the interest in the application and find out the real needs of the client. Based on these results, an analysis and a prototype of the application is performed. The output of this work should be for Medasol (a European team with strong medical background and business experience) who wants to realize this project in the future.
Design of CRM System for ISP
Lukáš Korel
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis deals with the information system creation for Internet service providers who use wireless technologies. The thesis contains the analysis of network administrator's requests to this system. Based on the analysis the cases of application of the system and user's roles have been created. The analytical domain model is created for the object description at the provider. The proposal of the solution is based on the analysis of the information system. The proposal part contains the information about appropriate technologies that have been examined and selected for the final system. The proposed software architecture of the system is used to easier understanding the proposed system structure. The created object data model in the proposal part helps to understand which data will be stored.
Furthermore, the application of the programming interface is designed to enable the connection of the various applications to the system. It contains user interface design that enables to use the system by users in easier way. According to the proposal the server part of the system, which uses different external applications and libraries, has been programmed so that it enables better system application.
The implementation contains the security part that protects from unauthorized access to the system data, so far as the system will be accessible via the Internet. One part of this thesis contains the system evaluation. This part deals with the financial costs of the final system development and maintenance as well as the description of the system limitations and possibilities for the next expansions. The attachment of this thesis contains all source files that have been created during the thesis. The main benefit of this work is considered to be in the proposed solution to payment management for Internet services. The proposal is implemented in this thesis and by now it is prepared for user's part implementation and further expansion.
Design of Heuristic Algorithms for Wowee Application
Michal Šanda
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Pavel Krejčí
The purpose of this thesis is to find how to select the best options for advertising and rating collections for a specific user of Wowee application.
This thesis is based on historical data from e-shops running on the Shoptet platform. Data are obtained using Shoptet API. The theoretical part is about customer behavior, similarities with known issues, development process, and technological trends. The practical part makes use of the data from the theoretical part - It describes the database model, scripts implementations, data analysis, and the usage of data for the purposes above.
Design of Company Data Storage for Management Information System
Maroš Karas
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
This master thesis deals with the storage of enterprise data in management information system that will be shared between several companies in a cloud environment. The solution is created by storing the enterprise data in one shared database and shared database tables between each companies. The solution provides security and confidentiality of stored enterprise data and forbids users from accessing foreign enterprise data. It also considers variability of companies and it enables transfer of enterprise data between two companies when it comes to acquisitions and company mergers. The benefit of this thesis is improvement in deploying new versions of management information system and possible scalability of the system for higher number of companies that will be interested in the system.
Analysis and Design of Processes of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in Context with Information Security
Marian-Daniel Rolník
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This thesis is devoted to the design of processes and policies of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Prior to designing processes and policies, an analysis of the processes of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in connection with information security was created. Based on this analysis, a design of processes and policies is proposed. The proposed processes are implemented according to the ARIS methodology with ARPO SW tools. The design of processes and policies have been established on the basis of ISO/IEC 20000 and ISO/IEC 27000 standards with regard to certificates for these standards.
Optimization of Information Reporting on Natural Persons in Applied Research Projects in the Czech Republic
Kristýna Viktorová
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This thesis is devoted to the optimization of the collection and reporting of information about natural persons in applied research projects in the Czech Republic. An analysis of the current situation in the information system of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and interviews with key persons were performed. For individual information, the reasons for their collection were analyzed, including the study of related laws. The obtained information on data flow in the R&D environment was graphically visualized. Based on the information obtained, a set of measures for improvement was developed. The given measures were evaluated with the cooperation of key persons. Based on the evaluation of individual measures, a procedure and further development was proposed.
Designing of the Task Threatness Matrix during Project Planning Phase
Josef Havlíček
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
In this thesis I deal with a creation of an add-in for Microsoft Project. This add-in is supposed to be used in project management to determine the task criticalness potential and the task failureness potential for individual project tasks and to assemble task threatness matrix, graphical represantation of these two potentials. Within this thesis I describe the theoretical foundations of the criticalness potential, the failureness potential and the task threatness matrix. I discuss possibilities of Microsoft Project add-in implementations and describe in more detail the VSTO type of add-ins. Next I describe the performed analysis, implementation and testing of the created add-in. In the end of thesis, there is the installation guide and the user guide for this add-in.
Design of Business Model Cloud Application for 3D Model Rendering
Martin Holodniok
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Chludil
The aim of this thesis is to create business model of cloud applicaton for 3D model rendering. Eventhough there is almost limitless computing power available through cloud in these days, people often render visualisations on their own computers. Rendering is very computationally difficult task, so their devices might become useless for several next hours. The aim is to create a suitable solution for these users, which can help them to increase their work efficiency. Business model is built on solution created on CTU FIT as a part of project Dowry Towns of the Queens of Bohemia. This solution is unique in possibility to generate textures, which can change atmosphere of the visualisation. This can also be used in the area of virtual reality, where the business model also intervenes. The first part of the thesis deals with a search of problematics and methodologies needed for the work. It is followed by practical part, which includes the analysis of already finished part of the system, the analysis of the environment and especially the creation of a business model. Design thinking methodology is used in this part. The creation of business model is followed by the preparation of the implementation of the entire project. Financial plan, time schedule or risk analysis are created in this part.
Mobile application for Dopravní podnik města Jihlavy a.s.
František Koumar
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
The subject of this thesis is realization of mobile application for Dopravní podnik města Jihlavy a.s., which will make it possible for its users to access information that is provided to public by Dopravní podnik města Jihlavy a.s. via single application, and also realization of server part of the application which will be used for administration of offline resources needed for the functionality of the mobile part.
A recherche of similar mobile application was carried out within the thesis, as well as analysis of requirements which was the base of subsequent design and implementation of a functional prototype of the application which was then thoroughly tested.
Finally a few possible improvements are suggested that might be implemented within the application in the future.
The final functional prototype of the application successfully replaces original and now unsuitable application used for searching within timetables and also introduces new functionality in the form of online map of public transport as well as possibility to display actual departures from given bus stop or news about current changes in public transport.
Design of a system for identification of risk interdependencies
Vilém Hujňák
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Pešek
This thesis deals with the issue of identifying risk interdependencies. It presents the current key methodological approaches to risk management and summarizes current knowledge about the dependencies between risks. The work proposes a new way of structured description of risks - risk scenario - which allows the identification of several types of interdependencies. These dependencies have been found and a way has been devised to identify and assess them. One specific type is a dependency called a causal dependence or domino effect. Furthermore, an information system is proposed in the work, which implements the proposed method of identifying the interdependencies of risks. With the help of experiments with a developed prototype of the system and a set of test risks, some important findings are evaluated.
Educational Application for Critical Path Method (CPM)
Tomáš Doležálek
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
This final thesis focuses on critical path method which is one of the basic methods for time analysis of project activities based on its activity network. Theoretical part of this thesis explains essential terms from graph theory which are required to understand the characteristics of activity network diagram and how to construct it. Reader is then introduced to critical path method whose theoretical background is described in detail and the method itself is presented on examples, both arrow diagramming and precedence diagramming methods are shown. Practical section of this thesis focuses on design, analysis, implementation and testing of educationl application that focuses on critical path method. Supported processes are described in the design part. Functional and non functional requirements are gathered and described and a list of use cases is created as well. Prototype of user interface follows using a wireframe form. Lastly the architecture of the application is chosen and described. In the implementation part, the focus is on description of selected parts of application as well as explanation of some graph traversal algorithms which were used. Testing follows with user interface usability analysis using a heuristic analysis. Functionality of application is tested using a set of created test cases. Thesis closes with an economic evaluation of costs related to application design and development.
Educational web application for mathematical modeling using the MPM method
Václav Dvořák
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Jan Rydval, Ph.D.
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of a web application for learning the MPM method. Metra Potential Method is one of the methods used for time analysis of a project within project management. This method is very similar to the critical path method, which it extends with the positive and negative potential of individual links between activities. Thanks to these potentials, the method allows to change the project schedule without complicated modifications to the network diagram topology. The created web application provides the student with all the theory concerning this method, including its extension by various types of links. The application also contains a visual editor for creating network diagrams on which this method is simulated, including a description of its calculation. The student can create a network diagram from the first activity or upload several sample examples, with which he can work further.
Implementation of the FLOWIO mobile application using the WebView concept
Luka Lukašević
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis deals with the study of the WebView concept and the subsequent application of knowledge to the enterprise application FLOWIO. The aim of the work is a functional mobile application FLOWIO, which will act as a native mobile application from the user's point of view. The main idea was to facilitate the development process for companies that need to create a corresponding mobile application for an existing web application. After a detailed analysis of the WebView concept, I processed the requirements for the FLOWIO mobile application and implemented an adequate solution. In my work I showed that WebView can be used to display even more complex web applications than just static web pages.
Application for Material Analysis in Automation Station
Lukáš Lojík
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This thesis deals with the complexity of different types of materials transported in special applications of vibrating conveyors in automation lines.
The main aim of the thesis is to create an application that evaluates the complexity of the material depending on experiences from past projects.
The theoretical part deals with the principle of vibrating transport and describes the types of conveyors.
The practical part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of the properties of individual types of materials, while the selection of important properties and the design of the hierarchy of materials are based on the findings.
The thesis also includes analysis, design, implementation and testing of a pilot version of the application. The final part of the thesis evaluates the costs and benefits of the whole project and suggests future development of the application.
Design of Application for Stock Portfolios Management
Tomáš Halama
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Pavel Krejčí
The main goal of this master's thesis is to design business model of project, whose goal is to create application for stock portfolio management.
The thesis contains practical part, where with the help of provided tools the business model of application is created and schedule of project, incomes and expenses including its return of investment are estimated. Based on this business model there are designed personas who represent potential customers of product. Using Design Thinking method there are realized in-depth interviews with potential customers, who represent before defined personas.
In the next part of thesis, gained knowledge is used for analysis and design of this application. On the basis of these analysis and design, the application prototype is implemented.
Deployment of Project Management Software within Tipsport Company
Tomáš Lála
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Radek Jáchim
The diploma thesis deals with the deployment of software for project portfolio management in the Tipsport company. First, it describes the established structure of the company and its processes for planning and implementing projects. It deals with the analysis of available solutions and describes the selected tool based on the set criteria. The thesis describes the detailed behavior of the tool and its configuration according to the needs of organization. Subsequently, the thesis describes the processes that were modified or created within implementation of the new tool. In last chapter are presented the impacts on organizaction and opportunities for further development.
Creation of Business Model and Design of Mobile App MyFilms
Martin Kutiš
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Monika Borkovcová, Ph.D.
The thesis deals with the design and development of a mobile application according to the Design Thinking methodology. The key objective is the creation of business model and design a mobile app MyFilms, which is used as a notebook of film experiences of its users. The analysis of the solved problem and the analysis of current solutions are one of the important parts of the thesis. Furthermore, a marketing and business strategy for the introduction of a new mobile application on the market is proposed and a financial plan and project schedule are created. At last but not the least, an analysis is performed based on in-depth interviews with potential users and a prototype of the main part of the application is designed. Finally, recommendations for further development of the application are thought up. The work can serve as a basis for the real implementation of the project, as it provides a detailed analysis and design of the app. At the same time, the work provides a detailed insight into the general planning of projects and the creation of business models, which can be applied in the realization of other business plans in the future.
Design of Information System for Confectionery
Jan Fara
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of the Information System for the real customer. The main emphasis is put on the analysis of the business plan of the whole project. On the basis of the customer requirements, the design of the System is introduced. Afterwards, the implementation, testing, and deployment of the System are described. From the thesis, the method emerged that the author can apply to begin with the development of the Information Systems for the next end-users with the help of the gained experience and reference.
Analysis of competition and new opportunities in the healthcare segment
Štěpán Tužil
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Libor Jonáš
Analysis of the healthcare segment in the Czech Republic and methodological analysis of the main players in this segment and subsequent discoveries of new opportunities for B. Braun in this segment.
Web application for creating a graphic prototype in the game Agile
Marek Mouček
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Ondřej Havazík
This thesis deals with the creation of a web-based graphical editor designed to support the Agile game flow. It uses and describes the latest technologies and standards, including the libraries used to create it. The implementation primarly uses the React and Konva libraries. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are compared and the whole solution is properly tested through automated and usability testing.
Analysis and design of the PurePortfolio application
Rostislav Babáček
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Pavel Krejčí
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis, design, and Hi-fi prototype implementation of an application which aims to simplify and increase the efficiency of investment portfolio monitoring. The application provides statistics focused on individual assets, investment instruments, or the overall portfolio. Furthermore, it offers the possibility to compare groups of assets. The main advantage is that assets are not limited to a small range of investment instruments.
The project results are a business model and business case, user interface designed according to the Design Thinking methodology, a Hi-fi prototype that runs on target platforms (iOS, iPadOS, macOS), and usability testing results.
Extension of volleyball aid called Training lights to other sports
Dominik Stasiowski
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This master thesis deals with the technological extension of the volleyball aid Training lights. The Training lights aid, including a support application, is currently specially adapted for volleyball purposes. In this work, in-depth interviews are conducted with representatives of selected sports in order to find out what is the motivation for the use of similar aids across other sports, and how it would be possible to involve Training lights in them. Based on the results from interviews, an analysis and specification of changes in terms of hardware and software is performed, which will need to be implemented for the extension of Training lights. Subsequently, a proposal of new functionalities for the supporting application is processed. At the end of the thesis, a risk analysis is performed and a business model and business case of the project are created. The workflow was inspired by the Design Thinking process. The output of this work will serve the company DSparx Tech s.r.o. as materials for the future implementation of the project and the extension of the Training lights product.
Design of a mobile application to support the Zero Waste lifestyle
Lenka Obermajerová
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Alena Libánská, Ph.D.
The thesis deals with the topic of how can technology help people to live more environmental-friendly. The main goal is to design a mobile application that would support people to live their lives more in the Zero Waste style. A thorough analysis of existing solutions was created to achieve this. A business model was created using the Lean Canvas to propose a solution.
The work also contains a detailed schedule and financial plan of the project. All project costs are counted, and a detailed revenue model for estimating incomes is created. Five-year detail plan in three versions is created by combining it. During the whole project, that can be used to evaluate the actual state compared to the proposed variants.
The in-depth interviews conducted according to the Design Thinking methodology and their evaluation are an essential part of the work and the basis for compiling requirements. The wireframes and hi-fi prototype for part of the system functionalities are based on them.
The thesis was created to use all its parts for an actual project. Therefore by following the next steps proposed in the last section, the application can be realised and used to help people live more nature-friendly lives than before.
Creating a prototype for entering special algorithms in the Moodle environment
Denis Drda
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
The work focuses on creating a prototype for entering special algorithms in the Moodle environment. In addition, it discusses related concepts, information important not only for development but also for analysis and design.
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on defining essential terms related to work. Such as information and application tasks from Linear Programming, in more detail the Simplex algorithm. It deals with e-learning using the Moodle system. Together with the previous goal, there is a thorough analysis of the commonly available Moodle and the development environment of the system. The chapter will also deal with programming rules and options for sharing the created module.
The practical part in the introduction will deal with the installation of the Moodle development environment for creating tests. Specifically, creating a test task to test a Simplex task in a base installation without add-ons. This is followed by the main part of the work on the development of a new prototype for entering special algorithms, such as the necessary areas of solution analysis, design and subsequent implementation of the prototype. Furthermore, a user manual on installation and user interface control will be developed. The work is followed by testing and documentation of the created module. The last work in the last row will end with the evaluation and recommendation of further steps for the created prototype of the plugin.
Design of the Information System and Bussiness Model for StudentSport Project
Jiří Kasl
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Dana Vynikarová, Ph.D.
The main purpose of this thesis is creating bussiness model of a software product StudentSport. This product will make it easier for students to access a variety of sports activities and motivate them to exercise regularly.
The theoretical part of the thesis describes the structure of a business model, a marketing plan, an evaluation of investments and the method of Desing Thinking.
The practical part of the thesis deals with the creation of a business model, a financial plan, and a valuation of the entire investment. The Desing Thinking method is applied here, through which in-depth interviews were conducted. The thesis also outlines the architecture of the information system for better estimation of the development costs.
Last part of the thesis, proposes a mobile application and its implementation based on the data collected from users in a user survey. To conclude, this chapter describes the user testing process of the application.
Design of a system to determine the economic efficiency of the IT project
Daniel Králík
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
The diploma thesis "Design of a system to determining the economic efficiency of the IT project" deals with the topic of designing a system for the effective use of human and economic resources in the process of creating IT projects according to the Design Thinking methodology. The main goal is to describe the basic problem, build a business model, analyze risks, create a time and financial plan for the project and its economic return. During the work, in-depth interviews were conducted with experts from various companies in the field of informatics and management. Based on problem analysis and in-depth interviews, a basic prototype was built. In conclusion, recommendations are written for the future development of the application and the continuation of the project.
The proposed system can be used as a basis for project implementation and should provide the user with a simple and clear view of the IT project in terms of resources and other benefits. It should support the user's decision-making process to evaluate the given IT project and its contribution to the enterprise. The essence of this thesis is the detailed process of managing such a project, creating a business model, business time and using the Design Thinking method to create a basic hi-fi prototype of a future application.
Business model for usage of image processing methods for measurement and classification of jewelery stones
Kamila Pravdová
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. David Buchtela, Ph.D.
This thesis focuses on the creation of a business model for the proposed technology for measuring the sizes of jewellery stones in the ImproLab image processing laboratory at the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University. It describes the jewellery industry, the jewellery stones for which the technique is designed, and the sensing systems required to measure the selected sizes. A Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas are proposed, the risks associated with the business plan are defined, and a business case including net present value is set up. The work thus provides the basis for approaching companies in the jewellery industry to sell the license for the developed technology and subsequently the services associated with the operation.
Business model for using a hardware tool for precise targeting of the camera view in the room
Vojtěch Prendký
Master thesis
Ing. Petra Pavlíčková, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Borský
This thesis presents a detailed analysis and planning of the business model and business case for a technology prototype aimed at improving camera systems. Within this study, I focus on the Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas structure as tools for business planning and development. I also include a VRIO analysis to assess the firm's resources and their ability to deliver competitive advantage. In the business model, I detail strategies that include problem identification, solutions, customer value, and communication channels. In the business case I present a strategic plan for commercializing the new camera positioning technology through a licensing model, this includes a financial plan, resource analysis, impact and potential risks