Digital Europe Programme
European Commission
, SEP-210825313
2022 - 2026
In order to meet the emerging need for a quantum-ready workforce in the coming decade, university training efforts within Quantum Technology (QT) will not only have to be massively scaled up but also comprehensively reformed. There is an urgent need for a wider understanding of the underpinnings of the quantum revolution as well as an increased awareness for the commercial potential of quantum innovations in the coming generations of quantum physicists. Within the DigiQ project we spearhead a transformation of the educational ecosystem by introducing both a series of didactical innovations as well as a multinational program structure ready to be scaled up to the rest of the European Higher Education Area. The program is designed to be flexibly implemented within a broad range of university partners covering core Physics and other areas, to support the transformation cross universities of all levels of QT-specialism. This will involve upgrading existing QT Master programs, supporting the development of entirely new programs, and offering a bridging program to transform non-specialist degrees to specialised ones which to align to the needs of the QT workforce. The four core elements of the project are i) the production of a comprehensive ecosystem of didactically innovative short modules ii) the augmentation of existing courses both to increase the focus, quality and remote accessibility iii) the
operation of ongoing networks of students, university staff, and industry partners, facilitating workshops, QT events, and curating a social element to the program, and finally iv) a comprehensive mobility program supporting student exchange as well as research
and industry internships in a network of over 100 industrial partners. To ensure cohesion among the different educational initiatives, all efforts will be mapped to the Quantum Technology Competence Framework and aligned with the emerging specification of
Qualification Profiles developed by the Quantum Flagship.
Flow-based Encrypted Traffic Analysis
Strategická podpora rozvoje bezpečnostního výzkumu ČR 2019 - 2025 (IMPAKT 1)
Ministry of Interior
2022 - 2025
The project researches new methods of effective protection against cyber threats that misuse secured communication for cyber attacks against servers and computers in the environment of high-speed networks. Based on available metadata, the project will investigate Machine learning methods suitable for determining the characteristics of the encrypted network flows and associated risks. The system will be implemented using a hardware-accelerated traffic monitor and a software prototype for high-speed detection of security incidents, which will be reported to the SIEM tool. Further, a plug-in to the QRadar system for the incident analysis will be developed. The project outcomes will also include reference data sets of network traffic and a system for their collection and annotation.
Participation of CTU students and staff at quantum computing hackathon by IBM Quantum Hub at National Taiwan University
Projekty podpořené ze zahraničí (pracovní kód k dodatečnému upřesnění)
Another foreign provider
The IBM Quantum Hub at the National Taiwan University (NTU) is holding a Qiskit Hackathon during 8—10 August 2023. Participation at the NTU Qiskit Hackathon is expected to be a valuable contribution to the long-term cooperation between CTU and NTU, as well as to the overall strategic plans of CTU on the field of quantum technologies. NTU is covering local expenses for six students and a mentor from CTU Students have been selected from among masters and PhD students from two faculties of the Czech Technical universities, the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering and the Faculty of Information Technologies. Selected students have significant experience in quantum computing and Qiskit and reflect the commitment to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The use of Vehicle-to-Grid technology to provide energy flexibility
Programme for funding of applied research, experimental development, and innovation THETA 2
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
2024 - 2027
S: The project aims to develop a technical and economic solution for providing energy flexibility by connecting electric cars with the electricity grid – Vehicle to Grid (V2G).
M: The research will be based on charging station's real data use and the distribution grid load. The output will be proven technology for the successful commercial application of V2G.
A: The goals are based on the current status and our experience with VaVaI projects and commercial applications of new technologies.
R: Research will expand current projects and refine predictions using machine learning methods. It is based on the market and the government's sustainability and electromobility development needs.
T: The project will be conducted according to a detailed schedule and will be completed in 2025.