Dissertation theses
Automated Planning for Robotic Agents
In automated planning, the task is to find a sequence of actions that after execution generate a specific goal [1,2]. Planning takes place at the abstract level where the planning world in which the task takes place is described using sets of logical atoms. The actions change the planning world using set operations assuming certain preconditions are satisfied. Unlike general planning where actions can in principle change the planning world arbitrarily, planning for robotic agents assumes than actions are performed by one or multiple robotic agents while the topology of the planning world plays a role. The robotic agents are assumed to be localized within the planning world. That is, the limited reach of robots’ effectors, the need to move to the place of action, and occupation of space by other agents [3,4] need to be taken into account. The open question is the design of centralized algorithms for efficient and robust planning considering both a single-robot case and multiple cooperating robotic agents.
- [1] Malik Ghallab, Dana S. Nau, Paolo Traverso: Automated Planning and Acting. Cambridge University Press 2016, ISBN 978-1-107-03727-4
- [2] Malik Ghallab, Dana S. Nau, Paolo Traverso: Automated planning - theory and practice. Elsevier 2004, ISBN 978-1-55860-856-6, pp. I-XXVIII, 1-635
- [3] Ron Alterovitz, Sven Koenig, Maxim Likhachev: Robot Planning in the Real World: Research Challenges and Opportunities. AI Magazine 37(2): 76-84 (2016
- [4] Yawen Deng, Yiwen Hua, Nils Napp, Kirstin Petersen: A Compiler for Scalable Construction by the TERMES Robot Collective. Robotics Auton. Syst. 121 (2019)
Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement for Multi-robot Planning
Counterexample guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) is a successful technique in model checking [1,2]. Within the proposed topic, the task is to investigate the possibilities of using the CEGAR technique in multi-robot planning [3,4]. Planning with many robots offers a lot of scope for designing abstractions of the problem that bring appropriate simplifications and allow the solver to solve the problem more easily, for example, some robots in the problem can be ignored, but at the cost of inaccuracies in the resulting solution. The design, search, and checking of counterexamples for a multi-robot system, with the help of which it would be possible to eliminate inaccuracies in the solution, represents another interesting challenge. Some progress has been made in multi-robot path planning, where the abstraction refinement has been made against collisions between robots. However, abstractions for path planning represent only a special case, while within this topic we would like to move the design of abstractions further towards more general multi-robot systems, where the range of robot actions is wider. An interesting direction is the extension of the CEGAR technique with abstractions that produce inaccuracy in the solution, against which the multi-robotic system is robust, and therefore there is no need to refine them.
- [1] Edmund M. Clarke, Anubhav Gupta, Ofer Strichman: SAT-based counterexample-guided abstraction refinement. IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. 23(7): 1113-1123 (2004)
- [2] Anubhav Gupta, Edmund M. Clarke: Reconsidering CEGAR: Learning Good Abstractions without Refinement. ICCD 2005: 591-598
- [3] Teng Guo, Si Wei Feng, Jingjin Yu: Polynomial Time Near-Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning in Three Dimensions with Applications to Large-Scale UAV Coordination. IROS 2022: 10074-10080
- [4] Lydia E. Kavraki, Steven M. LaValle: Motion Planning. Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2nd Ed. 2016: 139-162
Lazy Compilation for Classical Planning
In automated planning, the task is to find a sequence of actions that, after performing, meet a certain goal [1, 2]. This topic specifically focuses on compilation of the planning task into another formalism, such as constraint satisfaction (CSP) [3] or propositional satisfiability (SAT) [4]. Especially promising seems to be the lazy compilation, when the task is encoded into the target formalism incompletely. The encoding is subsequently refined in cooperation with the solver by generating counterexamples. The lazy compilation technique has been successfully used in the specific domain of multi-agent path finding [5]. However, the generalization of lazy compilation for classical planning is still an open question.
- [1] Malik Ghallab, Dana S. Nau, Paolo Traverso: Automated Planning and Acting. Cambridge University Press 2016, ISBN 978-1-107-03727-4
- [2] Malik Ghallab, Dana S. Nau, Paolo Traverso: Automated planning - theory and practice. Elsevier 2004, ISBN 978-1-55860-856-6, pp. I-XXVIII, 1-635
- [3] Rina Dechter: Constraint processing. Elsevier Morgan Kaufmann 2003, ISBN 978-1-55860-890-0
- [4] Armin Biere, Marijn Heule, Hans van Maaren, Toby Walsh: Handbook of Satisfiability. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 185, IOS Press 2009, ISBN 978-1-58603-929-5
- [5] Pavel Surynek: Unifying Search-based and Compilation-based Approaches to Multi-agent Path Finding through Satisfiability Modulo Theories. Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), pp. 1916-1922, Macau, China, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 2019, ISBN (Online): 978-0-9992411-4-1
Multi-agent Path Finding in Continuous Spaces
Specialist supervisor: doc. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Stefan Ratschan
Multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is the problem of computing collision-free paths from given starting positions to goal positions for a set of agents [1,2]. The MAPF problem is motivated by a number of real-world applications, for example agents can model robots for transporting goods in warehouses. Traditional solutions to this problem are based on models where both time and space are discrete. However, continuous models would be more realistic. The current state-of-the-art in this topic allows agents to move continuously along linear trajectories [3,4]. The goal of this work is to contribute to more general techniques, for example to allow agents to move along non-linear trajectories, or to model certain kinematic properties of agents, such as acceleration, or other properties that manifest themselves in a continuous model of the problem.
- [1] David Silver: Cooperative Pathfinding. AIIDE 2005: 117-122
- [2] Ko-Hsin Cindy Wang, Adi Botea: MAPP: a Scalable Multi-Agent Path Planning Algorithm with Tractability and Completeness Guarantees. J. Artif. Intell. Res. 42: 55-90 (2011)
- [3] Thayne T. Walker, Nathan R. Sturtevant, Ariel Felner: Extended Increasing Cost Tree Search for Non-Unit Cost Domains. IJCAI 2018: 534-540
- [4] Anton Andreychuk, Konstantin S. Yakovlev, Pavel Surynek, Dor Atzmon, Roni Stern: Multi-agent pathfinding with continuous time. Artif. Intell. 305: 103662 (2022)
Multi-Robot Motion Planning and Execution
Motion planning in robotics is one of the key steps to execute an abstract plan represented as a sequence of actions through the physical acting of the robot in the environment [1,2]. The motion plan maps to each continuous moment the spatial setting of the individual parts and effectors of the robot, the so-called configuration. Motion planning techniques typically work with a continuous multi-dimensional space of all possible robot configurations, where finding a motion plan corresponds to finding a continuous trajectory in the configuration space [1,3]. The research challenge is represented by motion planning for a multi-robot case with a potential for spatial collision between robots. The size of the joint configuration space increases with the increasing number of robots, and hence finding non-colliding trajectories is more difficult [4]. An interesting question is also the movement of real robots and the response to possible failure of one or more robots.
- [1] M. LaValle, S.: Planning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2006
- [2] Malik Ghallab, Dana S. Nau, Paolo Traverso: Automated Planning and Acting. Cambridge University Press 2016, ISBN 978-1-107-03727-4
- [3] Choset, H., Lynch, K. M., Hutchinson, S., Kantor, G., Burgard, W., Kavraki, L. E., Thrun, S.: Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations. MIT Press, 2005
- [4] Duong Le, Erion Plaku: Cooperative, Dynamics-based, and Abstraction-Guided Multi-robot Motion Planning. J. Artif. Intell. Res. 63: 361-390 (2018)
Solving Problems in Artificial Intelligence by Reduction to Satisfiability
Research in this topic will focus on finding solutions to selected problems in artificial intelligence by reduction to satisfiability [1]. Problems representing suitable candidates for this approach include domain-dependent planning (such path-finding, robot planning) [2], scheduling, circuit design, or combinatorial tasks. The concept of satisfiability is understood here in the broader sense, that is, not only as the basic propositional satisfiability (SAT problem), but also as constraint satisfaction [3] or a combination of satisfiability in various logic theories (SAT-modulo theory - SMT) [4].
- [1] Armin Biere, Marijn Heule, Hans van Maaren, Toby Walsh: Handbook of Satisfiability. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 185, IOS Press 2009.
- [2] Pavel Surynek: Time-expanded graph-based propositional encodings for makespan-optimal solving of cooperative path finding problems. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 81(3-4): pp. 329-375, 2017.
- [3] Francesca Rossi, Peter van Beek, Toby Walsh: Handbook of Constraint Programming. Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 2, Elsevier 2006.
- [4] Daniel Kroening, Ofer Strichman: Decision Procedures - An Algorithmic Point of View, Second Edition. Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series, Springer 2016.
Techniques and Algorithms for Multi-agent Path Finding
The aim of the research is to design new concepts and related solving algorithms for Multi-Agent Path Finding [1]. The basic variant of the MAPF problem takes place on the undirected graph with agents placed in vertices. We are searching paths for individual agents so that each agent can reach its goal from the specified starting position by following its path and does not collide with any other agent. Contemporary solving techniques for MAPF include a variety of methods ranging from sub-optimal polynomial algorithms [2] through optimal algorithms based on state space search [3] to transformations into different formalisms such as SAT [4]. The open questions offer, in particular, generalized variants of MAPF, where we consider more complex avoidance, maintenance of formations, connectivity maintenance or other global properties (properties that includes all agents), generalized cost functions, or multiple independent (adversarial) teams of agents.
- [1] David Silver, “Cooperative pathfinding,” Proceedings of AIIDE, pp. 117–122, 2005.
- [2] Boris de Wilde, Adriaan ter Mors, Cees Witteveen: Push and Rotate: a Complete Multi-agent Pathfinding Algorithm. J. Artif. Intell. Res. 51: pp. 443-492, 2014.
- [3] Guni Sharon, Roni Stern, Meir Goldenberg, Ariel Felner: The increasing cost tree search for optimal multi-agent pathfinding. Artif. Intell. 195, pp. 470-495, 2013.
- [4] Pavel Surynek, Ariel Felner, Roni Stern, Eli Boyarski: Efficient SAT Approach to Multi-Agent Path Finding Under the Sum of Costs Objective. Proceedings of ECAI, pp. 810-818, 2016.