Artificial intelligence helps FIT CTU students select job opportunities at 60 companies

27. 3. 2023

Thanks to the unique Cooperation with Industry programme at FIT CTU, students can be sure that they will not only learn theory from the faculty but also test their knowledge in practice and solve real projects. Artificial intelligence is now helping students to do this. It can recommend suitable internship opportunities based on their preferences or study profile. In fact, there are many real projects that students can get involved in. Whether in the faculty’s research laboratories or the more than 60 leading companies cooperating with the faculty. On 30 March 2023, students met experts from partner companies and laboratories in person at the 18th annual COFIT jobs fair at FIT CTU.

Studying at FIT CTU is not just theory. One of the faculty’s goals is to offer students opportunities to use their theoretical knowledge directly in practice during their studies. Solving real projects in partner companies or faculty laboratories will enrich students with new knowledge. This is done through the unique Cooperation with Industry programme, which offers students various opportunities to get involved in interesting projects.

“We are offering more and more real paid projects for students in faculty laboratories. We manage to attract interesting research projects from companies in which students are involved under faculty experts’ guidance. We even open joint research labs with some companies. The company thus gains access not only to talents but also additional innovative capacity,” Pavel Kordík, Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Industry at FIT CTU, said.

As opportunities from joint faculty research laboratories and partner companies become more numerous, it is difficult for students to keep track of all these offers. That is why FIT CTU is now deploying artificial intelligence to recommend relevant opportunities to students, whether on the faculty website, intranet or email.

Artificial intelligence works on the principle of a so-called recommendation system. These machine-learning algorithms help users find relevant offers in a catalogue with many items. Simply put, when a student views multiple offers, the system finds students who have looked at similar offers and recommends those that students with similar preferences have also seen. If the student allows using his or her study profile, the system will tailor the offers to be more relevant to the student’s particular study specialization.

“The measured data so far show that students are most interested in offers that have been recommended based on their study profile. Of course, this requires a more sophisticated technical solution to ensure the security and protection of the data of students who choose to use this method,” Kordík added.

The faculty is also preparing to send out regular personalized newsletters to students as part of the Cooperation with Industry programme, as well as a year-round virtual familiarization atrium where specific offers from faculty research laboratories and partner companies will be available to students to make the cooperation as effective as possible.

In addition to the technological solution of connecting students and companies, FIT CTU has been organizing the COFIT jobs fair for students every semester since 2014. The next, already eighteenth year of this popular event, took place on Thursday, 30 March 2023.

Newly the current jobs fair, in addition to companies and faculty laboratories, will present several successful startups founded by students and graduates of the CTU FIT. Students can consult their plans for starting their own company with the mentors present at the fair.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková