Available postdoc positions at FIT 2023

The Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, offers 5 postdoc positions as a part of the CTU Global Postdoc Fellowship. This new and attractive fellowship programme provides an opportunity for excellent researchers who have recently completed their PhD to continue their research careers at the CTU in Prague. Fellows receive a two-year fellowship and become members of a team led by a mentor.

Who is the programme for?

The fellowship aims primarily at external international scientists who are currently conducting research abroad. Applicants must have completed their PhD within the last seven years (i.e. 2016 or later). The fellowship aims at authors/co-authors of three or more publications in a journal with IF or an A*/A conference.

Available positions

Applicants are advised to contact mentors for more details on the position/topic.

#8-1 Symbolic Virtual Machine

Short description of the topic

We propose to design and implement a symbolic virtual machine for efficient and multicore-scalable symbolic execution and benchmarking of RISC-V machine code based on the Unicorn toolchain.


Description of the ideal candidate

For this purpose, we are seeking a postdoctoral scholar with a strong background in the intersection of programming languages, systems, architecture, and formal methods.

  • Application deadline: 31 August 2023
  • Start date: 1 October 2023

  • Salary: CZK 65,000 per month

#8-2 Algorithmic and Combinatorial Game Theory

Short description of the topic

The first topic of the project is the algorithmic game theory, which is a modern branch of classical game theory, focusing on algorithmic aspects of modelling the behaviour of participants (players) of certain competitive process (game). The motivation is the study of methods, how to control competitive environment with many players and without a central authority which may impose demands on players. It is possible to attain this goal by designing locally defined games, whose Nash equilibria correspond to globally desirable outcomes. This fact is captured by the low price of anarchy of the game. The goal of the project is to establish and publish new results in algorithmic game theory, mainly by designing games where the Nash equilibria correspond to globally desirable outcomes and by investigating their algorithmic and computational complexity aspects.

The second topic deals with the broad range of combinatorial games, mainly in the subfield of the various cops-and-robber settings. Here the setting is usually defined as a game on graph between two players controlling two sets of pawns, where the typical goal of one player is to capture the pawns of the second player. There is however great variability on the rules. Here the task is to study the computational complexity of questions like who wins or how many pawns are neede to win.

The project is theoretical, with the expected outcome in the form of publications in high-ranking conferences or prestigious journals.

Algorithmic game theory Combinatorial game theory MENTOR’S PAGE

Description of the ideal candidate

The applicants are expected to have a strong background in combinatorics, graph theory, foundations of algorithmic game theory or combinatorial game theory. Additionally, specialization in the following areas is a bonus: graph algorithms, cops-and-robber-type problems, computational complexity or approximation algorithms. The applicant must have obtained a PhD in the relevant area no later than 7 years ago.

  • Application deadline: 15 June 2023
  • Start date: 1 July 2023

  • Salary: CZK 65,000 per month

#8-3 Non-linear Functional Analysis

Short description of the topic

The successful candidate will contribute to research in the area of non-linear geometry of Banach spaces. This includes in particular the Banach space properties, structure and metric characterizations of Lipschitz-free spaces and their biduals, which are relevant to Lipschitz classes of Banach spaces, or problems related to the stability of the local and asymptotic structure of Banach spaces under non-linear isomorphisms or embeddings of various regularity.


Description of the ideal candidate

The ideal candidate should have an interest and basic knowledge in functional analysis and metric geometry that is relevant and complementary to the research topic of this position.

  • Application deadline: 31 August 2023
  • Start date: 1 October 2023

  • Salary: CZK 65,000 per month

#8-4 Repetitions in Morphic Languages Generated by a Recognizable Morphism

Short description of the topic

Recognizable, or circular, morphisms are defined by the existence of a bound on length of factors they generate (in the terms of an D0L-system or HD0L-system) which, when attained, allows a unique preimage to be found. This bound is thus useful in many algorithm working with languages generated by a morphism, including the known algorithm to calculate the larges exponent that appears in such language for non-erasing morphisms. This research topic plans to entail on this problematic by analyzing the relation of existence of repetitions in such a language and recognizability/circularity of morphism with the goal of understanding maximal (critical) exponent in such a language and its infimum, possible over a some specific class of morphic languages, such as generated by uniform or bifix-free morphisms.


Description of the ideal candidate

The ideal candidate should have done his PhD in symbolic dynamic or combinatorics on words, with a possible overlap with general algebra. She/he should have been able to conduct computer experiments.

  • Application deadline: 15 June 2023
  • Start date: 1 July 2023

  • Salary: CZK 65,000 per month

#8-5 Multi-agent Path Finding

Short description of the topic

Multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is a problem of navigating multiple agents to their individual goal positions so that agents do not collide. The problem has been intensively studied recently from the perspective of heuristic search. However, there are still open questions especially in compilation-based approaches to MAPF and in how to reflect properties of real environments such a continuity of space and time in formal models of MAPF. Tests of novel concepts on real robots in a laboratory is an optional part of this research.


Description of the ideal candidate

The ideal candidate should actively publish in artificial intelligence venues (AAAI, IJCAI, …) and/or in specialized venues focused on planning, heuristic search (ICAPS, AAMAS, SoCS, …), or robotics (ICRA, IROS, …) and in related journals (JAIR, AIJ). Strong programming skills preferably in C/C++ are required.

  • Application deadline: 30 November 2023
  • Start date: 1 January 2024

  • Salary: CZK 65,000 per month

How to apply

Applications deadlines are 15 June 2023, 31 August 2023, or 30 November 2023. The deadline for submission is indicated for each research topic/position.

To apply for this programme, you need the following documents in English:

  • Filled in Cover letter / Application form (DOCX format).
  • CV, including a list of publications (max. 4 pages). At least 3 IF journal publications are expected. A*/A conference papers do count as well. Papers accepted for publication yet waiting to be printed do count if a proof of acceptance is provided.
  • Motivation letter (max. 2 pages).
  • PhD certificate (copy).
  • You may attach other documents supporting your application, such as recommendation letters etc.

The application must reach CTU by the indicated deadline and should be sent to research@fit.cvut.cz by email or by post to:

Office of Science and Research
Faculty of Information Technology
CTU in Prague
Thákurova 9
160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic

Selection process

Applications will be assessed by a committee based on documents sent by applicants. The mentor has a strong vote in the selection process. An (online) interview will be organized.

Fellows are expected to start their job at CTU on the dates indicated for each research topic/position. Starting date may eventually be postponed by a reasonable period.

The person responsible for the content of this page: Bc. Veronika Dvořáková