Bc. Matěj Černík, a student of FIT CTU, succeeded among 48 participants in the competition for university students in mathematical and computer science research (SVOČ). He won 2nd place in the Computer Graphics and Computer Vision / Applied Computer Science and Software Engineering section for his bachelor’s thesis, Information systems in the Smíchov 1913 hockey club.
The competition is organized annually by the Czech Mathematical Society in cooperation with the Slovak Mathematical Society, and this year, it took place at the Technical University of Liberec on 21–23 May 2023. The competition is held in eight mathematical and four computer science sections; several dozen students participate each year.
“I chose this topic for my bachelor’s thesis because it solves real problems of our HC Smíchov 1913 hockey club. My thesis aimed to improve the activities of the hockey club with the help of information technology. In the thesis, I described how our club and other clubs in the Czech Republic operate, described the used and usable systems and proposed and implemented several changes in the club’s operations or use of information systems. The result was, among other things, a new functional club website, which simplified everyone’s work, the use of better communication tools, and a methodology for evaluating activities or documents for further improving the club’s operation. I was nominated for the competition by my supervisor, Ing. David Pešek, for which I thank him.”