Cybersecurity Innovation Hub

Projects of the Ministry of Industry and Trade not included in the CEP
Ministry of Industry and Trade
2023 - 2026
CIH will significantly support digital transformation and application of innovation in SMEs and public administration by building a coordinated and effective ecosystem comprising top research institutions with the necessary know-how and infrastructure, specialized business clusters, professional organizations, and public authorities. This robust ecosystem will provide its beneficiaries with access to education and information on cybersecurity trends and best practices, to expert advice and state-of-the-art infrastructures to verify the suitability and security of innovative solutions under consideration and increase the availability of funds to invest in innovation. CIH will also function as a platform for cooperation and information sharing between entities in the cybersecurity market, both at the level of Czechia and the EU. This will increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the EU cybersecurity industry, the security of IT infrastructures and the strength of the EU economy.

Cybersecurity Innovation Hub

Digital Europe Programme
European Commission
CIH will significantly support digital transformation and application of innovation in SMEs and public administration by building a coordinated and effective ecosystem comprising top research institutions with the necessary know-how and infrastructure, specialized business clusters, professional organizations, and public authorities. This robust ecosystem will provide its beneficiaries with access to education and information on cybersecurity trends and best practices, to expert advice and state-of-the-art infrastructures to verify the suitability and security of innovative solutions under consideration and increase the availability of funds to invest in innovation. CIH will also function as a platform for cooperation and information sharing between entities in the cybersecurity market, both at the level of Czechia and the EU. This will increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the EU cybersecurity industry, the security of IT infrastructures and the strength of the EU economy. CIH draws on partnerships and participation in international networks and builds on the success of Czech research and industry. CIH covers cybersecurity on the horizontal from various points of view (technical, legal, economic, social etc.), on the vertical CIH operates at all levels - it plays an important role in building the legislative environment, in research, commercialization and implementation of technologies, and in awareness raising and education. CIH also has links to standardization and certification that shape the cybersecurity market. This holistic approach and the ability to thoroughly map the ecosystem make CIH an attractive partner for international cooperation. This is also confirmed by its participation in 3 EU pilot research projects (Sparta, CyberSec4Europe and Concordia), cooperation with the EU and international organizations (ENISA, Europol, UN, NIST, etc.), and involvement in professional initiatives (e.g. REWIRE - capacity building in cybersecurity in the EU).

Cybersecurity Innovation Hub (CIH)

Projekty podpořené ze zahraničí (pracovní kód k dodatečnému upřesnění)
Another foreign provider
2023 - 2025
CIH will significantly support digital transformation and application of innovation in SMEs and public administration by building a coordinated and effective ecosystem comprising top research institutions with the necessary know-how and infrastructure, specialized business clusters, professional organizations, and public authorities. This robust ecosystem will provide its beneficiaries with access to education and information on cybersecurity trends and best practices, to expert advice and state-of-the-art infrastructures to verify the suitability and security of innovative solutions under consideration and increase the availability of funds to invest in innovation. CIH will also function as a platform for cooperation and information sharing between entities in the cybersecurity market, both at the level of Czechia and the EU. This will increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the EU cybersecurity industry, the security of IT infrastructures and the strength of the EU economy. CIH draws on partnerships and participation in international networks and builds on the success of Czech research and industry. CIH covers cybersecurity on the horizontal from various points of view (technical, legal, economic, social etc.), on the vertical CIH operates at all levels - it plays an important role in building the legislative environment, in research, commercialization and implementation of technologies, and in awareness raising and education. CIH also has links to standardization and certification that shape the cybersecurity market. This holistic approach and the ability to thoroughly map the ecosystem make CIH an attractive partner for international cooperation. This is also confirmed by its participation in 3 EU pilot research projects (Sparta, CyberSec4Europe and Concordia), cooperation with the EU and international organizations (ENISA, Europol, UN, NIST, etc.), and involvement in professional initiatives (e.g. REWIRE - capacity building in cybersecurity in the EU).

Electronic weapon securing

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
2024 - 2026
Hlavním cílem projektu je realizace funkčního vzorku krátké ruční palné zbraně s vestavěným elektronickým zámkem.

Malware detection and network security methods using AI

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2021 - 2022
The goal of the project is the research and development of security features of current information systems. The emphasis is placed on the application of machine learning methods in various areas of information security. The proposed project addresses the following thematic research areas. It is mainly research in the field of malware detection, network security, and detection of attacks in an Active Directory environment.

Prague Embedded Systems Workshop 2023

Studentská vědecká konference ČVUT
SVK 62/23/F8
Prague Embedded Systems Workshop (PESW 2023) bude již jedenáctým ročníkem akce přednostně určené pro studenty (doktorandy, magisterské a bakalářské studenty) z České republiky, EU i mimo EU. Hlavní náplní a cílem jsou ústní prezentace a poskytnutí velkého prostoru pro diskuse o nejnovějších (třeba i rozpracovaných) výzkumných výsledcích i realizačních výstupech v oblasti, která má vztah k návrhu a aplikaci vestavných systémů, a to k jejich realizaci, verifikaci, syntéze, testovatelnosti a bezpečnosti. Ohlasy všech minulých ročníků byly a jsou jednoznačně kladné, přestože jsme v dobách covidových umožnili prezentovat některé příspěvky on-line, je akce přednostně organizovaná živě, protože hlavním cílem je vzájemná komunikace a navázání mezinárodní spolupráce. Hlavním organizátorem je katedra číslicového návrhu FITu, zejména členové výzkumné skupiny "Digital Design & Dependability Research Group" (, a to hlavně studenti, kteří pracují na svých doktorských, diplomových nebo bakalářských pracích. Se svými dílčími i finálními výsledky se mohou na PESW pochlubit v mezinárodním měřítku, a to buď formou ústní prezentace nebo na posterové soutěži, viz níže. Každý ročník aktualizujeme mezinárodní programový výbor, získáváme významné odborníky a jejich studenty. Akce nabývá stále větší prestiže i v mezinárodním měřítku. Počítáme opět s účastí zástupců z universit (Tel Aviv - Izrael, Leicester - UK, Montpellier, Lyon, Grenoble - Francie, Řím, Pavia - Itálie, Leuven - Belgie, Zelená Gora - Polsko, Talinn - Estonsko, San Diego - US, FIIT Bratislava - Slovensko, VUT, ZČU a i další university z Česka) i firem (např. EaToN, ASICentrum, CESNET, Intel, STMicroelectronics aj.). Počítáme samozřejmě s účastí studentů z ČVUT, z FELu, FITu, FJFI, FD a pracujeme na propagaci pro získání studentů a odborníků z dalších pracovišť z ČR i SR. Podařilo se nám domluvit partnerství s prestižní akcí 28th IEEE European Test Symposium 2023 (

Security Solutions for Selected Cryptographic Systems and Networks

Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT
2023 - 2025
The project has three main goals. The first goal deals with malware detection using machine learning. The focus will be on problems of malware classification and creating and defending against adversarial samples. The second goal belongs to the field of cryptanalysis of ciphers using side channels. The research will focus on ciphers that have made it to the finals of the post-quantum cipher competition organized by NIST. The last goal will be to systematically describe blockers and barriers in deploying and using cryptographic tools.

Side channel attacks on post-quantum cryptography algorithms

Promoting the mobility of researchers and workers in the framework of international cooperation in R&D
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
2023 - 2024
The project deals with the design (and implementation) of new side-channel attacks on the postquantum algorithms, as well as the design (and implementation) of countermeasures that will prevent these attacks.