Bachelor theses
Device for measuring the actual fuel consumption of motor vehicles
Ivo Háleček
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Tomáš Čejka, Ph.D.
Web application for predictive analysis of dependability
Nikola Rytířová
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Tomáš Vaňát, Ph.D.
Intelligent Security System of a Garage
Miroslav Váňa
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Filip Štěpánek
The goal of this thesis is to provide an affordable, reliable and secure system for physical security and monitoring of a garage. In the design of the system it is solved the transfer of information about the current state of the garage to a server. Safety and reliability of the system are primarily focused on sensor failure, secure server communication, and resistance to targeted attacks. The set goal is achieved through the Yún development board on the Arduino platform using a variety of sensors and C++ programming language. The STRIDE model was used to detect security risks. As a result, the system is able to detect object intrusion and send out the results via the Ethernet interface using REST API.
SmartHome - Design and Implementation
Jakub Kyzek
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Filip Štěpánek
This thesis deals with the analysis of possibilities, design and implementation
of SmartHome on selected AVR platform. The system is designed to allow access to
information and control of the house via the Internet. The sensor network is
built with the use of the RS-485 bus. The web interface is implemented using
Flask, which is connected to the SmartHome using PostgreSQL. Moreover, this
thesis also detailly describes the creation of the bootloader for the AVR
processor and the server setting for the house on the Debian Linux distribution.
Intelligent security system of a garage - section of secure entrance
Maroš Mačak
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Buček, Ph.D.
The aim of this thesis is to design and implement security system for garage entrance doors using smart cards. The system is designed for already existing security system for garages which was implemented on Arduino platform. For the implementation a simple symmetric authentication was used with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) using the key length of 128 bites in a cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. And for the smart cards Java Card was used. The main contributions of this thesis are the descriptions of the most used platforms for the development of the smart cards, analysis of available radio frequency identification (RFID) readers for Arduino and descriptions of attacks on smart cards. As a result this thesis offers a security system using Adafruid PN532 reader which is able to authenticate cards, is stable and resistant against simple attacks.
Concept of Web Application for Dependability Models
Jaroslav Jasenovský
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Daněček
The goal of this work was to design a web application which would enable the development of Hierarchical Dependability Models (HDM). Although these models represent an efficient tool for system reliability prediction, they are still not supported enough. Our next task was to make a feasibility study of this application to appraise its benefits to technology-oriented companies and schools. It was carried out by evaluating the current state and comparing processes with our web application design. A good database and user roles design has been a crucial precondition for smooth teamwork which has led to higher efficiency. Well-designed and user-friendly GUI is another important aspect which makes working with the modeller easier and thus speeds up the process of development itself. Since the application is designed originally to develop HDM, unlike the others, it supports the automatization of many development processes. Combination of all these aspects provides a remarkable facilitation of HDM development, hence it fastens the system design.
SMART Wine Cellar
Martin Němec
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Filip Štěpánek
This work aims to create a SMART security system for wine cellars, or other
objects. The work is mainly focusing on wireless data transfer between the
control unit and individual sensors. Furthermore, the for examines the ways of
securing communication. The security system is expandable with additional
sensors and provides a possibility with connection to a higher control unit.
For this, Raspberry Pi 3B + is used as a control unit and ESP32 modules
for wireless communication. Since control unit is Raspberry Pi, which also is
capable handling higher programming languages, it is using a script written
in Python. The reason is simple usage of this language and there are many
public libraries. Furthermore, there will be sensors providing all the data like
motion sensors, cameras or gas sensors. After this the control unit evaluates
incoming messages and eventually alert the owner about system status.
There are other examples of extending the system by SMART elements
that are not primarily defined by the assignment. The work is mainly interested
in data transfer.
The result is robust SMART system that can monitor the premises using
camera and inform the owner in the event of unauthorized intrusion. It is also
able to monitor other potentially interesting data for system owner.
Smart Flowerpot
Mikuláš Veselý
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Ivan Šimeček, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of smart flowerpots. The work analyzes supported plants
and academic and market-based production solutions that are related to automation or some
kind of improvement of the plant growing process. The analytical part describes the selection
of production samples, which are selected for testing and collection of production data during
experimental cultivation. The practical part describes not only the assembly of the measuring
device, which performs data collection, but also the architecture of the backend and frontend
of the web application, where the operational data from the measuring device is recorded. In
the same part, the measured values are discussed and analyzed, and the values of two different
production flowerpots are compared on the charts, which are a result of the frontend of the web
application. The main benefit of this work is the created measuring software and hardware, which
can be used in the future as a basis for a prototype of a faculty smart flower pot. Another benefit
is the data itself, measured during the experiment, which determines the rate for future testing
of the faculty prototype. Finally, the quality of the used production samples is discussed and the
possibilities of reusing the measuring device are developed. In the appendix it is then possible to
change the source codes of the application and images from the cultivation experiment.
Smart mirror prototype
Jakub Zahradník
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Ivan Šimeček, Ph.D.
This bachelor thesis deals with the design and implementation of a functional prototype of a smart mirror. The analytical part of this work is devoted to a detailed analysis of already completed projects, whether by technology enthusiasts or products available on the market. The possible benefits or negatives of the investigated solutions are evaluated in this analytical part of work, either from the point of view of the materials used, technologies or the way of user control. In the next phase of the analytical part, possible SW platforms and HW products are considered, which could be used for the implementation of a smart mirror. Great attention is paid especially to the selection of suitable display components - various types of glasses and displays are discussed here. The practical part of this work deals with the creation of a functional prototype of a smart mirror. The construction of the mirror is unique, frameless and is designed to offer the user the largest possible display area for information and at the same time a modern design with voice control. The created prototype is based on the Raspberry Pi platform, and also are listed here expandable modules for light control. The steps for installing the individual SW platforms HomeAsistant, MagicMirror^2 and the voice assistant Kalliope are described. Part of the work is also a procedure how to configure individual platforms, solve possible problems and also it is indicated the way of possible expansion or use of the designed mirror in a smart home. Finally, the prototype is thoroughly tested to ensure the functional reliability of the entire system.
Analysis of TPM Communication Using FPGA
Martin Mandík
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Filip Štěpánek
The thesis focuses on the communication of the TPM security chip on the LPC bus. The aim is also to develop an FPGA design to capture this communication. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the structure of the TPM chip is described, and its most notable use cases are presented, along with basic information about the LPC bus. In the practical part, an FPGA design which filters only TPM related data from the LPC bus is developed. The data captured by tapping the LPC bus are then sent via the serial line and saved to a text file. Subsequently, the data are analyzed, and it is discovered that, when certain conditions are met, BitLocker Volume Master key can be found between the fetched data. This key can be used to decrypt the drive of the targeted machine. This way, an evil maid type attack is carried out. The attacker who got hold of a target machine can thus read previously encrypted data from the drive. The FPGA design is loaded into a physical board Basys3. Before connecting the FPGA to a real LPC bus, the design and implementation are tested, at first using simulation and after that, Arduino is utilized to mimic the behavior of an LPC bus.
Web Application for Dependability Models
Daniel Vrátil
Bachelor thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Martin Kohlík, Ph.D.
The goal of the thesis was to create a new tool to build reliability models as a web application. Thesis is mainly focused on Markov and block reliability models. Furthermore, the work is designed in a way that allows multiple users to work simultaneously within a single project, which may consist of several reliability models. Projects can be described in the form of documentation, which can be written or generated depending on the specific project. The analytical part of the models is independently processed by Wolfram Mathematica.
Master theses
Built-in self-test generator
Robert Hülle
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Filip Štěpánek
In this work, I implement algorithmic generator of built-in self-test circuitry for random combinatoric logic.
Dependability Data Analysis of Railway Safety Equipment
Nikola Rytířová
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Radek Dobiáš, Ph.D., MBA
This master thesis deals with the analysis of reliability in the field of railway safety equipment. It continues to previous bachelor thesis, where the web application for predictive analysis was implemented according to the MILHDBK-217F standard. The aim of this thesis is to extend the application about a possibility to enter intentionally deteriorated parameters of components and then analyze the effect of these parameters on the final result. The thesis also includes the analysis of business processes related to the management of the equipment reliability.
The application is based on the Symfony2 PHP framework and MySQL database. The processes are modeled using the DEMO methodology.
Intelligent security system of a garage: Superset system
Ondřej Červenka
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Martin Kohlík, Ph.D.
This thesis deals with design and implementation of garage security and monitoring system, which collects data from subsystems placed in individual garages.
Result is an application that commmunicates with subsystems via HTTPS and allows garage monitoring and management trough web interface.
Application also sends SMS notifications when potentional danger is detected. SMS are send with GSM module.
Security system was developed in Python programming language and tested for use with single-board computer Raspberry Pi.
Automated Testing Infotainment Units
Jan Kubát
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Tomáš Zimmerhakl
This diploma thesis deals with automated testing of the infotainment unit of a car. The thesis provides theoretical information about the scripting language TCL and the CAN bus, which are the basis for creating automated tests. Introduction to the process of developing a graphical interface is accompanied by motivation for improvement. Based on the introduced motivation, the principle and involvement of automated testing in the development process of the graphical interface is designed. The thesis contains the documentation of the test rack, which is performed in terms of used hardware and software. The TCL language is used to create test functions and test cases to detect errors of the grafical interface. This thesis describes the whole testing process with the report of results.
SMART Home 4.0
Jakub Kyzek
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Filip Štěpánek
This thesis presents the design and implementation of own smart home system as part of the project of the company Kyvit s.r.o.
The project loosely follows the ideas and implementation introduced in the bachelor's thesis SmartHome - Design and Implementation.
The thesis also deals with the overall restructuring of the project, which is no longer focused on low acquisition costs but on efficiency
and user comfort. Compared to the original design in the bachelor's thesis, many improvements are designed and implemented here,
such as the usage of IoT or the design and creation of own control unit - a printed circuit board, which is equipped with
a powerful microcontroller STM32. The project also aims to respect the main ideas presented by Industry 4.0. The output of
this work is a real prototype of a functional system.
IoT monitoring of the agrivoltaic system for vineyards
Martin Němec
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Filip Štěpánek
This work examines a newly developing industry in the Czech Republic called Agrivoltaics. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the definition of terms related to the agrivoltaic industry. Furthermore, it describes the emergence of this phenomenon from the first idea to the current state (the State-of-the-Art), which is further analyzed in detail in this section from the point of view of usability, usefulness and, above all, the technological background that is needed for its realization. To narrow the scope, the work focuses only on agrivoltaic systems above vineyards, i.e. the collected metrics are set aside for this case.
The practical part of the work includes the design and implementation of a simple monitoring system using modern IoT technologies in cooperation with cloud services. In the design part, the topology of the IoT network in the environment of the agrivoltaic system is solved. Possibilities of how to implement the network are stated and characterized in detail. Furthermore, suitable platforms for the monitoring system are determined here, including possible alternatives. The next step of the design is the selection of devices and modules that meet the requirements of the analysis of agrivoltaics over vineyards, for the implementation of the physical part of the monitoring system.
Another practical part is the implementation of all the mentioned parts in the system design. The implementation describes the physical part of the monitoring system, its connection to cloud services and subsequently the configuration of individual services. All configurations are written in detail in the form of instructions that can be easily used. Part of the work is also the creation of a web interface for monitoring data, images and statistics of the monitored vineyard. The work ends with the implementation of the monitoring system prototype and the testing of functionalities in simulated conditions.
Integration of the safety certified PXROS-HR real-time operating system in ROS2 robotic system.
Jakub Zahradník
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Roman Knížek
This master's thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the Robot Operating System (ROS) 2, including its architecture, communication patterns, concepts, and use of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) as a middleware for data sharing. Additionally, the thesis explores Micro-ROS, a lightweight version of ROS 2 designed to run on microcontrollers with limited resources. This work focuses on analyzing the Micro-ROS's architecture, features, and suitability for embedded systems use. Additionally, the thesis explores using PXROS-HR, a real-time operating system (RTOS), in the proposed solution.
The proposed solution involves building a custom static library for Micro-ROS and implementing a mutex task for thread-safe data access. The project structure is presented, including configurations and linker files, and describes the implementation of custom allocators and custom transport for Micro-ROS. The thesis also includes demonstrations of multithread publisher-subscriber and multicore publisher-subscriber for Micro-ROS, showcasing the proposed solution's feasibility and effectiveness.
Furthermore, the proposed solution is evaluated by conducting one test for each demo, including publishing and subscribing to a topic, creating a service server for remote procedures, and distributing work to multiple tasks or cores. The results demonstrate that the proposed solution achieves thread-safe data access and enables efficient communication in resource-constrained environments.
Application to support the teaching of ATPG algorithms
Martin Fabík
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Martin Kohlík, Ph.D.
The goal of this work is to analyze and create a teaching tool that will help students and teachers in visualizing and stepping basic algorithms for finding test patterns for logical circuits. At~the moment, although there are tools that help to find test vectors for a given circuit, there is no such tool that is able to represent the working of such algorithms step by step and visually. The author of this thesis begins with analysis of existing options that are used in the classroom and even elsewhere, and then goes on to design and implement a new tool that will better expose students to the various principles of finding test patterns.
Dependability Analysis Web Application
Daniel Vrátil
Master thesis
Ing. Martin Daňhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Martin Kohlík, Ph.D.
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a web application that allows to create reliability analyses using the fault tree method.
The main goal of the thesis is to create an accessible tool for creating a complex reliability analysis, but which performs all calculations externally in Wolfram Mathematica.
This is an extension of the defended bachelor thesis, which allowed basic work with Markov models and reliability block diagrams. It is mainly aimed at the target group of small teams and study projects.
It addresses problems found in testing and introduces one of the most used models: the fault tree. It also adds several new features aimed at simplifying and speeding up analysis.
Finally, the application is tested and compared with existing tools for specifying a level crossing based on a real environment.